Webinar: The STOP-FEMINICIDE law A Belgian initiative
March 17, 2025
The EFJCA is organising a webinar on 2 April 2025. This webinar is entirely dedicated to The STOP-FEMINICIDE law. This Belgian initiative will be explained during the webinar by staff from the Belgian Institute for the Equality of Women and Men.
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Grant by EFJCA: Possible to apply until 24 of March
March 17, 2025
Also in 2025 and thanks to the support of the EU, the EFJCA can offer the opportunity to receive financial support through grants. The deadline for application is 24 March 2025.
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Support by EFJCA for applicants CERV CALL
March 17, 2025
The Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Value Programme of the European Commission (CERV-Daphne 2025), under Priority 2, gives the opportunity to “support the setting up/some activities of one-stop shop (in person and/or online) or coordinated specialist support centres, so that the multiple support needs of victims of gender-based violence (including cyberviolence) are addressed at the same premises to the largest extent or provided in a coordinated manner.
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REGISTER: Online meeting for Grant-applicants
February 3, 2025
The EFJCA will offer its privileged members in 2025 the opportunity to receive financial support through grants. To learn more about this grant opportunity you can subscribe to our online meeting on 19 February 2025, 16.00-17.00 CEST.
Webinar: The STOP-FEMINICIDE law A Belgian initiative
January 31, 2025
The EFJCA is organising a webinar on 2 April 2025. This webinar is entirely dedicated to The STOP-FEMINICIDE law. This Belgian initiative will be explained during the webinar by staff from the Belgian Institute for the Equality of Women and Men.
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Call for grant-proposals 2025 open now
January 24, 2025
In 2025, the European Family Justice Center Alliance (EFJCA) will offer its Privileged FJC Members the opportunity to receive financial support through grants. Deadline for application: 24 March 2025.
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January 3, 2025
We kindly ask our members to renew the membership by registering through our website (see link below), it only takes a few minutes to fill in the online form, it’s free of charge. If you didn’t register as a member yet, may we ask to fill in the form.
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January 2, 2025
We look back on a year 2024, in which our network grew and we were able to experience many activities together with you. We had a range of joint ventures with organizations and professionals from more than 30 countries, and were able to work together on the development of new centers and the support for existing centers and organizations.
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Intrafamiliaal geweld: een politioneel-justitieel praktijkhandboek
December 27, 2024
In de publicatie Intrafamiliaal geweld (derde editie) gaan we in op de politionele rol bij intrafamiliaal geweld en de aansluitende justitiële aanpak. We kijken naar de dynamieken van waaruit de aanpak zijn vormen krijgt.
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Photo-impression of the 6th international EFJCA conference 2024
December 2, 2024
Curious about the pictures of our 10th EFJCA anniversary Conference this year in Milan? We are happy to share on overview of the three days of networking and exchanging in our photo-impression. Just click below to discover our photo-impression.
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Free webinar 'Istanbul Convention and EU directive' (11th of December 2024)
November 28, 2024
Do you want to know more about the Istanbul Convention, the monitoring, the state repots, the first thematic round now going on,... and the results of this monitoring? Join us on our webinar on the 11th of December, from 15.30 to 17.00, for more information and to exchange ideas on this.
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Free webinar 'Violence against siblings' (5th of December 2024)
October 24, 2024
Free Webinar by Tanya Rouleau Whitworth, Corinna Jenkins Tucker and Eva Van Kelecom. In this webinar, we will define and discuss the types of sibling aggression and abuse, their impacts, and implications for prevention, screening, and intervention. We will also propose how such information could be infused into curricula and ongoing training for social and judicial professionals and discuss implications for policy.
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Free Online Cross-profession meeting (5th of November 2024)
October 23, 2024
Since 2023, the EU has a program called ‘Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP)’. Within this program the EFJCA provides small grants to it’s privileged members. On the 5th of November 2024 the 6 granted projects will share their work in developing multidisciplinary response of gender-based violence and domestic violence, and exchange with the audience their experiences.
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Report of the 6th International EFJCA-conference
October 10, 2024
The 6th International EFJCA conference was organized by the European Family Justice Center Alliance, the FJC Milan and the Fondazione IRCCS – Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. The main topic of the conference was the collaboration of the health sector in the multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence.
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EFJCA Conference: almost starting!
August 28, 2024
We are excited for our upcoming conference in Milan, with a lot of guests and participants from a range of countries. It’s still possible to register: participation online (special price) and in person.
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August 28, 2024
12 Years ago, an enthusiastic team applied for a Daphne-project at the European Commission to start Family Justices Centers in 6 European cities and got rewarded. After the two-year project, the partners decided to continue their work and launched the European Family Justice Center Alliance.
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Accreditation International EFJCA conference Approved
August 28, 2024
We are very happy to announce the accreditation ECM (Continuing Medical Education for medical professionals, including psychologists) and the accreditation for social workers is approved. This is both for attendance in person and online (accreditation per hour).
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International EFJCA Conference: registration open
August 21, 2024
We invite you to participate in our 6th International EFJCA Conference. To make it possible for everyone to participate: online participation is possible: Online registration fee = 75 Euro
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Grants 2024: The awarded projects
June 6, 2024
The EFJCA is proud to announce the 3 projects awarded for 2024 within the EU program financial support to members of our network. The grants will support the (further) development of new and existing FJCs and related multidisciplinary models and improve their work towards a victim/survivor-centered and trauma-informed approach and create pathways of hope and empowerment.
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Webinar “Specialized courts for domestic violence”
April 15, 2024
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, organized a specific court for domestic violence. These court hearings combine criminal and civil law cases. The court hearings are led by specialized attorneys and judges. This approach is unique in the Netherlands.
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Looking for partners in Eastern Europe/Balkan
April 15, 2024
The Women's Shelter in Styria/Austria is looking for partners from Eastern Europe or Balkan countries to participate in the following project proposal: “The System Matters - TSM Parenthood: Adressing parenthood in victim-safety oriented work with male perpetrators, female victims of GBV and children”.
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International EFJCA Conference in Milan (Italy)
March 27, 2024
The next international FJC-conference will take place in Milan, Italy, in the first week of September. Together with the colleagues from FJC Milan and the Fondazione IRCCS - Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico we offer conference days, network-meeting, exchange and good-practices.
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March 27, 2024
In 2024, the European Family Justice Center Alliance (EFJCA) will offer its Privileged FJC Members the opportunity to receive financial support through grants. The proposed projects must have an overall budget between EUR 15.000 and EUR 22.000. Deadline for application: 31 March 2024.
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Week 20-24 November Conferences and Masterclasses
December 14, 2023
The EFJCA organized in partnership a week of conferences and masterclasses. Meetings took place in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Leuven. More than 1350 professionals attended the conferences and masterclasses (live and online).
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75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: CERV stands up for human rights!
December 11, 2023
The EFJCA is mentioned on the news-site of the European Commission as one of the projects supported by the EU The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV), created to protect and promote rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter on Fundamental Rights, recognizing and defending the universality of human rights.
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New online publication from Pointer about violence against women 'the story of Merel'
December 8, 2023
Pointer published Merel's story within the United Nations international campaign against violence against women. Merel's ex abused her. He was already imprisoned thirty years ago for trying to kill his then girlfriend and his child. But Merel only found out much later.
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November 14, 2023
Saturday 11 November published ‘de Volkskrant’ a 3-page interview with Linda Terpstra and Anke van Dijke, the founders of the national expertise and treatment center for everyone who has (had) to deal with violence in dependency relations.
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Week 20-24 November Conferences and Masterclasses
November 3, 2023
The EFJCA organizes in partnership a week of conferences and masterclasses. There is the opportunity to be present in person or to follow on line.
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Masterclass 'Connecting Care and Safety to prevent violence'
October 25, 2023
On Wednesday, November 22, 2023, the masterclass 'Connecting Care and Safety to prevent violence' will take place at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. Jane Monckton Smith, British professor of criminology and expert in the field of femicide, will share her knowledge and experiences as a keynote speaker during this meeting. Participation in the masterclass is free.
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Masterclass Intimate Terror and non-fatal strangulation (Antwerp/Belgium)
September 29, 2023
The EFJCA invited prof. Jane Monckton-Smith, Susan Haile and Prof.dr. Catherine White for an in depth masterclass on Intimate Terror, Coercive Control and 8 steps to homicide, and non-fatal strangulation. The goal is to reach understanding and tools in tackling these complex and dangerous dynamics and forms of gender based and domestic violence. The masterclass is in person.
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Online Conference 'Femicide & Intimate Terror Conference'
September 13, 2023
The municipality of Amsterdam, the Stay Group and the Amsterdam police are organizing this online conference together with EFJCA on Monday, November 20, 2023. The meeting is intended for all professionals in the judicial and emergency services sectors who (may) have to deal with femicide and intimate terror in their work. The conference addresses all aspects of these very dangerous forms of domestic violence.
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Register now: International Conference Leuven (Belgium)
September 29, 2023
An international conference will take place in Leuven (Belgium) on 24 and 25 November 2023. The main topic of the conference is ‘Working together for a safe home’ - international conference on the multidisciplinary centers and the approach of gender-based and domestic violence.
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Save-the-date: International Conference Leuven (Belgium)
July 11, 2023
An international conference will take place in Leuven (Belgium) on 24 and 25 November 2023. The main topic of the conference is ‘Working together for a safe home’ - international conference on the multidisciplinary centers and the approach of gender-based and domestic violence.
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International EFJCA cross-professional meeting 31/08/2023 - A closer look at European FJCs
July 7, 2023
Thursday August 31 2023 the EFJCA will organize an on-line international EFJCA cross-professional meeting with the title: A closer look at European FJCs!. This meeting with the international EFJCA members is all about exchanging good-practices, latest news and developments, sharing of information and knowledge, and especially aimed at learning from each other in our joint efforts to develop and maintain the most effective ways of a multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence.
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TV report on the masterclass Coercive Control and femicide with Jane Monckton-Smith
May 31, 2023
Terzake, a daily news program of the VRT (Flemish Radio and TV) brought a report on intimate terror, with an interview with prof Jane Monckton-Smith, made by Dominique De Graef during our masterclass with Jane on February 14 this year in Rotterdam, followed by a studio interview.
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Training Police academy Reykjavik, Iceland
May 26, 2023
The EFJCA gave a training for 50 police officers, online and in person, in Iceland. The topics covered were the dynamics of intimate partner violence, with a focus on intimate terror and families under stress, the impact on children and what this means for police action. In the afternoon we worked on non-fatal strangulation.
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International EFJCA cross-professional meeting (on-line)
May 22, 2023
Thursday June 15th 2023 the EFJCA will organize an on-line our international EFJCA cross-professional meeting. This meeting with the international EFJCA members is all about exchanging good-practices, latest news and developments, sharing of information and knowledge, and especially aimed at learning from each other in our joint efforts to develop and maintain the most effective ways of a multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence.
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News from FJC Kempen (Belgium)
May 10, 2023
The FJC Kempen in Belgium is growing and organizing more interdisciplinary collaboration, focusing on high-conflict divorces, regional cooperation and the sustainabilty of the FJC.
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Year Report FJC Antwerpen 2022
April 7, 2023
The year report of the FJC Antwerp gives an overview of the work and innovations in 2022, and also what’s in the pipeline. The report is in Dutch. Please contact us when you want to find out more.
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Dutch TV Broadcast on Feminicide and Non-Fatal-Strangulation
April 7, 2023
The TV makers of POINTER, a Dutch investigative journalism platform of KRO-NCRV on TV, radio and online, broadcast a strong report yesterday about the (failing) approach to femicide and non-fatal strangulation. The broadcast is in Dutch, but parts of the report are spoken in English.
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April 4, 2023
As part of its continuing activism against gender-based violence, the Embassy of Belgium organized an interactive presentation “Gender-based and domestic violence: experiences from the Belgian approach” by the Belgian experts Mrs. Pascale Franck of the EFJCA and Mrs. Margot Taeymans of the department of Justice.
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Report 5th International Family Justice Center Conference
April 3, 2023
The 5th International Family Justice Center Conference was organized by the European Family Justice Center Alliance, the Province of Antwerp, the City of Antwerp with support, the FJC Antwerp and funding of the EU. The first day of the conference focused on Child to Parent Violence. Child-to-parent violence is a subset of domestic violence that is often ignored or misidentified. The second day targeted Trauma and Hope.
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Call for grant-proposals now open!
March 31, 2023
In 2023, The European Family Justice Center Alliance (EFJCA) will offer its Privileged FJC Members the opportunity to receive financial support through grants. The deadline for submissions is on 31 May 2023.
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Last days to register for our 5th International FJC Conference
March 6, 2023
Interested participants still have a few days to register for our 5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th and 16th of March 2023, in Antwerp, Belgium. We will focus on two main topics: "Child to Parent Violence" and "Trauma and Hope".
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Study day on Drug abuse and domestic violence, Leuven Belgium
March 6, 2023
The study day focussed on the interaction of drug abuse and domestic violence. The EFJCA provided a keynote speech on moral deliberation and the 7-step methodology used in the FJC of Antwerp, as basis to safeguard the rights of victims in cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence.
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Masterclass Jane Monckton Smith
February 14, 2023
The EFJCA organized a masterclass with professor Jane Monckton Smith, on the very severe cases of intimate partner violence and the 8 stages to murder. The content of the masterclass was based on case-studies and evidence-based methodology.
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Visit of an international group, member of the EFRJ, at FJC Antwerp
February 2, 2023
20 professionals, members of the European Forum of Restorative Justice, from 9 countries, visited the FJC of Antwerp to get to know the FJC-work and model and to share knowledge, ideas and talk about the work of restorative justice and the multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence.
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38th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
January 21-27, 2023
The EFJCA took part in the 38th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. The conference was organized by Chadwick Center for Children and Families.
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Chan Hellman: workshop and guest speaker at FJC Conference
January 20, 2023
Our 5th International FJC Conference will be held on 15, 16 and 17 March 2023 (Antwerp, Belgium). We are very happy to announce Chan Hellman will be our guest speaker and he will also provide a Masterclass “Responding to trauma and adversity: Hope as a framework for action”
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5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th and 16th of March 2023
January 17, 2023
Register now for our 5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th and 16th of March 2023, in Antwerp, Belgium. We will focus on two main topics: "Child to Parent Violence" and "Trauma and Hope".
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Masterclass Intimate Terror and Coercive Control
January 12, 2023
This masterclass on the 14th February 2023 focuses on ‘Intimate terror and coercive control', a very severe form of gender based and domestic violence. The masterclass will be held at BCN Rotterdam (Barbizonlaan 25, Capelle a/d IJssel, The Netherlands) but can also be followed online.
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Planning the next steps in 2023 and exciting news
December 30, 2022
We are very pleased to inform you about the exciting plans of our EFJCA network for 2023. A lot of activities are planned and we will reach out to you with several opportunities to exchange, learn, build capacity, support, inform and more.
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5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th, 16th and 17th of March 2023
December 23, 2022
Hereby we want to share with you the "Save the Date" for our 5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th, 16th and 17th of March 2023, in Antwerp, Belgium. Registration will soon be possible on this website.
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Project ‘Intimate Terror’, The Netherlands
December 20, 2022
In December, the project Intimate Terror, a pilot by the Dutch FJCs Sterk Huis, Filomena and Fier and the EFJCA, was drafted in the end-report. During 9 months, the partners in the project worked out an into depth training and a safety-and-care program in intimate terror.
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December 15, 2022
The SafeShelter project, EU co-funded 2-year project (2021/2022), has been completed. The project offers a range of products to develop and implement procedures and guidelines to provide safety for children in women's shelters.
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Report webinar Non-Fatal Strangulation (by dr. Cath White)
December 12, 2022
Today Cath White gave, on behalf of the EFJCA, a webinar.This webinar focused on one of the most hidden and lethal forms of domestic violence, with very serious consequences for the victims: (non-fatal) strangulation.
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Colloquium on Gender-Based Violence in Mauritius
November 30, 2022
The colloquium brought together European experts from the EFJCA, France and Mauritian participants to share best practices as regards tackling this social ill, kicked-off, today, at the Ravenala Attitude in Balaclava, in the context of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women observed annually on 25 November.
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November 22, 2023
On the 22th of November the FJC Antwerp celebrated the 11th anniversary of the Center. Several high level speakers told the story of 11 years FJC-community.
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Training multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence and child-friendly interviewing St-Maarten
Oktober-November 2022
The EFJCA provided a 8-day training on St-Maarten, focussing on the multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence, trauma-impact and trauma-sensitief care and interviewing of children (and other vulnerable persons) who are victims of and/or witnesses of serious (sexual) violent crimes.
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13th International Conference of Centre Dardedze (Latvia)
October 26, 2022
The EFJCA provided a workshop during the 13th International Conference of Center Dardedze in Latvia. The presentation focused on the practices of a multidisciplinary approach to working with families where child abuse has occurred.
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Webinar Non-Fatal Strangulation (by dr. Cath White)
September 30, 2022
This EFJCA-webinar on the 12th of December 2022 focuses on one of the most hidden and lethal forms of domestic violence, with very serious consequences for the victims: (non-fatal) strangulation. The webinar is recommended for professionals in learning the basics about the dynamics and impact of non-fatal strangulation, and how to recognize, disclose, question and investigate this form of violence.
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Videos on ‘Child safeguarding in women’s shelters, the realization of safety for children’
September 28, 2022
Women’s shelters are one of the most crucial, specialised support services for women survivors of gender-based violence and their children. The shelter must be a safe place for the mothers and their children.
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Opening of the new FJC Foyle (Derry, N.Ireland)
September 2, 2022
Today the official opening of the Foyle Family Justice Centre was celebrated. Foyle Family Justice Centre is be part of the European Family Justice Centre Alliance and the first of it's kind in the UK or Ireland.
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Masterclass Intimate Terror and Coercive Control (by Professor Jane Monckton Smith)
September 2, 2022
This masterclass on the 17th November 2022 focuses on ‘Intimate terror and coercive control', a very severe form of gender based and domestic violence. The masterclass will be held at the FJC Antwerp (Bexstraat 20, Antwerp, Belgium) but can also be followed online.
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5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th and 16th of March 2023
August 11, 2022
"Save the Date" for our 5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th and 16th of March 2023, in Antwerp, Belgium. We will focus on two main topics: "Adolescent/Young Adult domestic violence towards Parents and Siblings" and "The empowerment of victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence through the HOPE-approach".
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In the picture: Echo peer support group and Voices
August 5, 2022
Echo unites survivors of child abuse in Flanders. The FJC Antwerp hosts monthly peergroup support groups at the location of the FJC, and work together with the coordinators of Echo, all Voices and survivors, to strengthen the support towards survivors and work on prevention policy.
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Participation at the 11th international conference of the EFRJ
June 25, 2022
The EFJCA participated at the international conference of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) (both networks share a Memorandum of Understanding and work together on the topics of gender based violence, domestic violence and restorative justice). The conference was held from 23 until 25 June in Sassari (Italy).
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Report 4th International Family Justice Center Conference
June 20, 2022
The 4th International FJC Conference was organized in the City of Rotterdam. 220 participants of 15 countries attended the conference. In the days following the conference, visitors were able to visit the FJCs Filomena (Rotterdam), Sterk Huis (Tilburg) and Fier (Leeuwarden).
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Exchange between FJC Antwerp and FJC Aruba
June 10, 2022
The team of FJC Antwerp hosted a part of the team of FJC Aruba in an exchange meeting on good practices, tools and methodologies, and working with Voices and survivors. The exchange is part of the EFJCA work in sharing knowledge and experiences, building bridges between FJCS, support of start-up of FJCs and mutual capacity-building.
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Alliance for Hope 22th Annual International FJC Conference
May 27, 2022
The Alliance for Hope organized in San Diego (USA) the 22th Annual International Family Justice Center Conference. The conference, from 23 to 27 May, focused on the development of multi-agency, multi-disciplinary teams.
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SafeShelter meeting, Barcelona (Spain)
May 23-24, 2022
The EU funded project (CERV-program), SafeShelter, held a meeting with the project partners in Barcelona. SafeShelter aims to provide capacity building training on developing, implementing and enforcing child safeguarding policies and frameworks for shelter and multisectoral staff working with shelters.
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FJC Mechelen (Belgium) celebrated 5 years
May 23, 2022
FJC Mechelen, Belgium, celebrated her 5th birthday on 23 of May 2022. NGO's, police, the prosecutor's office and the Flemish government and the local authorities of the 12 municipalities in the Rivierenland region work closely together to offer a costume-made approach towards victims of domestic violence and their families. In those five years, 1,749 families have been helped by the FJC.
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FJC Victory Hills (Iceland) in the picture
May 19, 2022
VICTORY HILLS - SIGURHÆÐIR in Icelandic - are these very days celebrating their first year of operation. March 20th 2021 was the occasion of its opening ceremony and two days later its doors opened up to the survivors of gender based violence in the whole southern quarter of Iceland.
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Training for Law Enforcement, Aruba
May 13, 2022
The EFJCA trained the police force of Aruba (80 participants) on tackling gender based and domestic violence. During the training, several topics were addressed.
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Official opening FJC Kempen (Belgium)
May 12, 2022
On 12th of May 2022 the 4th FJC of Belgium opent officially the doors. The minister of Justice, Flemish government, Zuhal Demir and several stakeholders explained the work and development of FJC Kempen. Ines Conderaerts, director of the FJC Kempen proudly presented the team.
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May 9-11, 2022
A three-day support program by the EFJCA, aimed at the stakeholders, partners and involved organizations took place in Bonaire, with the aim of promoting further awareness processes and guiding the strategic planning for the establishment of the FJC.
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European Crime Prevention Conference, Brussels Belgium
April 29, 2022
The EFJCA provided a workshop in the sessions "targeted approaches of domestic violence" of the European Crime Prevention conference organized by the EUCPN (European Crime Prevention Netwerk). The European Crime Prevention Conference is the biennial conference of the EUCPN and offers a forum to share knowledge and experiences regarding crime prevention across the European Union.
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Newsletter from FJC Mechelen, Belgium
April 29, 2022
FJC Mechelen has published a new edition of "FJC Mechelen Today", a digital newsletter that gives you an insight into the daily operation of the Family Justice Center. “FJC Mechelen Today” is published twice a year.
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Conference on working with perpetrators in a multidisciplinary setting
April 20, 2022
The Association for Nonviolent Communication, Slovenia, working with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence and VAW, organized together with the Prison Administration a one day conference for professionals dealing with perpetrators of violence on April 20th, 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The EFJCA provided an online workshop 'Gender-based and domestic violence: working with perpetrators in a multidisciplinary setting'.
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Network meeting EFJCA March 2022
March 23, 2022
The EFJCA organized an online network meeting for her members. 50 participants from 20 countries subscribed to the network meeting.
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Board Meeting EFJCA March 2022
March 9, 2022
The EFJCA had his first board meeting of 2022 on March 2022. The board spoke and took decisions on various subjects.
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Lecture at the KULeuven (Belgium)
March 1, 2022
The EFJCA gave a lecture about building FJCs in Europe for the master criminology at the Catholic University of Leuven.
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Training FJC Aruba, februari 2022
Februari 25, 2022
The EFJCA gave trainings for the staf and partners of the stakeholders of the FJC in Aruba. The training took place from 21 to 25 February 2022 and focused on sevaral topics.
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Workshop Gender based approach in shelters (The Netherlands)
February 14, 2022
The EFJCA was one of the key-note participants in the workshop on gender based approach of victims of domestic violence in the Dutch shelters. The workshop is part of a guideline towards a further implementation of gender based approach in the shelters in The Netherlands.
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Annual Report FJC Antwerp, Belgium
February 8, 2022
In the link you will find the 2021 annual report of the FJC Antwerp. In addition to figures that show the number of dossiers and clients handled, the annual report also describes the activities and activities of the FJC in 2021. This report is currently only available in Dutch.
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Annual Report FJC Mechelen, Belgium
January 31, 2022
In the link you will find the 2021 annual report of the FJC Mechelen. In addition to figures that show the number of dossiers and clients handled, the annual report also describes the activities of the FJC in 2021. This report is currently only available in Dutch.
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Masterclass non-fatal strangulation
January 20, 2022
The EFJCA organized an online masterclass "Non-fatal strangulation" with dr Catherine White, clinical director St Mary Sexual Assault Center, Manchester, UK. The masterclass focussed on one of the most hidden and lethal forms of domestic violence, with very serious consequences for the victims: (non-fatal) strangulation.
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Training Child friendly interviewing Aruba
January 20, 2022
The EFJCA provided a six day training in child friendly interviewing for the Law Enforcement on Aruba, in two parts (December and January). The training focussed on interviewing of children who are victim and/or witness of abuse and violence. A theoretical part focussed on the methodology of interviewing, trauma impact on children, child development, law, providing evidence, the practical part included interactive exercises, role plays and discussions and evaluation.
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The SafeShelter Guide available
January 17, 2022
The SafeShelter Guide is available. SafeShelter is a project that aims to provide training on developing, implementing and enforcing child safeguarding policies and frameworks in shelters. The target group of this Guide are all women’s shelter staff who have children residing in the shelter, as well as all professionals and agencies they work with in order to safeguard children.
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EFJCA Network meeting and training
January 17, 2022
The EFJCA organized the first network meeting of 2022 on 17th of January. 63 participants from 15 countries participated in the meeting. The team of Alliance for Hope USA shared their recent experiences with the colleagues of the EU.
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Conference Safe&Together 'Changing Systems Globally'
January 14, 2022
The EFJCA participated today at the Conference of Safe&Together ('Changing Systems Globally') with a workshop on Family Justice Centers in Europa. The main topic was to provide the opportunity to learn and share meaningful and sustainable strategies for practice and systems change across both North America and Europe.
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Memorandum of Understanding between Aruba and the EFJCA
December 9, 2021
The Minister of Justice and Welfare of Aruba, mr. Rocco Tjon, signed a MOU with the EFJCA, engaging in mutual exchange and support to further develop the FJC in Aruba, including the collaboration of the law enforcement.
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December 7, 2021
The EFJCA activily took part at the panel discussion during the launch of the OECD report 'Eliminating Gender-based Violence Governance and Survivor/Victim-centred Approaches'.
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Exchange and support to the Women's shelter in Aruba
December 6, 2021
The EFJCA worked with the Women's shelter in Aruba on the development of the holistic approach od gender based and domestic violence, and prepared a training module to be implemented in the women's shelter.
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Conference CEP Probation
December 2, 2021
The EFJCA together with the EFRJ (European Forum for Restorative Justice) provided one of the workshops on the 'Workshop on Domestic Violence in prison and probation' organized by the Confederation of European Probation and Europris in Leuven, Belgium, Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd December 2021.
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Collaboration of Fier (The Netherlands) and Aruba
November 16, 2021
Linda Terpstra, Board of Directors Fier Friesland, was invited by the new Aruban Minister of Social Affairs and Justice Rocco Tjon, during her work visit in Aruba. Their conversation handled about the more than a 5-year collaboration between Fier and Aruba.
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Symposium I See You, Tilburg (The Netherlands)
November 15, 2021
The regional Task Force Child Abuse in The Netherlands organized from 15 to 21 November several activities focusing on prevention and tackling child abuse. The EFJCA took part on the symposium “Ik zie je bij de dokter” (I see you at the doctor) in Tilburg.
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Article on intimate partner violence (in Dutch)
November 9, 2021
Anne Groenen, Triene-Mie Lecompte and Pascale Franck published an article on intimate partner violence. Intimate terror: when one partner terrorizes the other. The police, the judiciary and assistance are looking for solutions. The three experts share insights to break through this violence and embark on the road to recovery.
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Visit of the new Center Filomena in Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
November 5, 2021
In Rotterdam the center for domestic violence and child abuse, Filomena, recently opened in a beautiful and welcoming location. The Center brings together, in one location, everything needed to provide safety, physical (forensic) examination, medical treatment, intensive supervision and trauma treatment for survivors of domestic violence, gender based violence and child absue.
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Bonaire started website and hotline for advice
Oktober 29, 2021
Bonaire started a website and hotline for domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse: Giuami. Guiami provides tailored advice, assistance and support.
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EUCPN: toolbox on Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Homicide
September 30, 2021
The European Crime Prevention Network, in close collaboration with the Portugese Presidency of the EUCPN in 2021, published the toolbox on domestic violence and intimate partner violence, targeted and holistic approaches. The EFJCA collaborated on the development of this toolbox.
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Carla Aztema Soroptimist Prize (Dutch speaking countries)
September 29, 2021
This prize will be awarded for the second time next year to a Dutch-language journalistic contribution regarding the position, rights and independence of women and girls. Contributions can be submitted from September 1 to November 1.
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September 17, 2021
The latest developments of the FJC Mechelen, Belgium can be found in their first edition of the digital newsletter.
Echo: powerful campaign on surviving child abuse
August 27, 2021
The Peer Support Group of Survivors of Child abuse "Echo lotgenotenwerking" from VECK (Vlaams Expertise Centrum Kindermishandeling - Flemish Expertise Center Child Abuse) launched this powerful campaign on surviving child abuse. This Voices give a very strong message and reach out to survivors to join.
SafeShelter will provide a workshop on the yearly WAVE conference (October 6-7, 2021)
August 19, 2021
The 23rd WAVE Conference will be happening online on October 6-7, 2021. The title of this year’s conference is Breaking the Cycle: Preventing and Tackling Sexualized Violence against Women and Children and is being organized in collaboration in our Portuguese WAVE Member Associação de Mulheres contra a Violência (AMCV).
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Webinar Taiex Expert Meeting on Domestic Violence Mauritius
June 21, 2021
Taiex Expert Meeting on Domestic Violence, organized in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Mauritius and the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare of Mauritius. The webinar took place on 16, 17 and 18 June 2021.
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The EFJCA presents Yearly Report 2020
June 15, 2021
The EFJCA presents the EFJCA Yearly Report 2020. This year, completely captivated by Covid-19, was difficult and special for all of us. Nevertheless, The EFJCA, members and partners never gave up on victims and their families.
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June 7, 2021
On the 2th of June, 105 participants of 25 countries registered for the online network meeting of the EFJCA. Bert Groen and Pascale Franck gave an overview over the activities of the EFJCA and a pitch of each of the 18 European FJCS.
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June 1, 2021
A very good action in awareness rising was made by our colleagues of Reykjavik. The FJC of Reykjavik made a serie of videos giving survivors a voice. The videos have subtitels in English.
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May 31, 2021
During the pandemic (and few strong earthquake), Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center (Croatia) produced over 250 useful materials in a free E-book. “CONNECTED Telephone and Online Counselling in Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Consequences”.
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Chan Hellman guest speaker at EFJCA Network Meeting
May 19, 2021
Our next Virtual International EFJCA Network Meeting will be held on 2 June 2021, 15.00-17.00 (Brussels time and online). We are very happy to announce Chan Hellman as our guest speaker.
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Global Best Practices for Gender Balance Toolkit
May 18, 2021
The EFJCA joined the very interesting and stimulating OECD online consultation. The OECD launched the Global Best Practices for Gender Balance Toolkit, and this morning we exchanged good practices in Section 4 of this toolkit: Strengthening Access to Justice for Women and Girls.
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‘I thought he was going to kill me’
May 3, 2021
EFJCA-expert, Dr Catherine White, Clinical Director of the Saint Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre and SAFEPlace Merseyside in Manchester, UK, and her colleagues did an Analysis of 204 case files of adults reporting non-fatal strangulation as part of a sexual assault over a 3 year period. The results of the research were published in 'Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine'.
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Opening first Italian Family Justice Center: FJC Milan
April 30, 2021
We are proud to announce the opening of the FJC Milan. Under leadership of Dr Alessandra Kusterman and the support of EFJCA-focal point Michele Rabaiotti ‘Il centro di Soccorso Violenza Sessuale e Domestica del Policlinico’ becomes the first Italian FJC.
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21st annual international Family Justice Center Conference
April 19-21, 2021
The EFJCA took part in the in the 21st annual international Family Justice Center Conference organized by our friends of the Alliance for Hope. The Conference Theme was “H7: Hope-Centered Work in an Age of Trauma”.
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A team of young film makers made a movie for FJC Victory Hills, Iceland
April 1, 2021
Should you stay or get out of a violent relationship? The decision can be easier when other women help you get support and advice. Here, a team of young filmmakers has made a video for SIGURHÆÐIR - victims of gender-based violence in the South.
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Belgian series "If you only knew ..." about intimate partner violence
March 25, 2021
Hilde Van Mieghem (famous Belgian film director and actress) and her crew made a very good four-part series "If you only knew ..." about intimate partner violence.
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FJC VICTORY HILLS, Selfoss, Iceland, opening of the 3th FJC in Iceland
March 20, 2021
VICTORY HILLS is a centre for survivors of gender based violence in South Iceland, that opened its doors on March 20th 2021. It is located in Selfoss, South Iceland, and provides counselling and therapy for women in the region.
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Maison d’Ella (FJC at Bordeaux) produced a photo exhibition in public space
March 8, 2021
Maison d'Ella produced a beautiful photographic exhibition as part of a European Eramus project, with the PHOTOVOICE action research method. Seven women, welcomed at the Maison d'Ella, have been preparing since December for a photo exhibition in the public space to be discovered from Monday, March 8.
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Maison d’Ella (FJC at Bordeaux) was honored with a prize by the Legion d’Honneur
March 5, 2021
Together with Marie Christine Renedau, Maison d’Ella was honored and we received a prize by the Comité de la Légion d’honneur Bordeaux-Centre, during a moving ceremony. Marie Christine, survivor of domestic violence, owns a 100% artisanal bakery in Bordeaux.
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EFJCA participate in European ‘Safe Shelter’-project
January 29, 2021
Over the period 2021-2022 the EFJCA will participate in the European Safe Shelter- project. This EU co-funded project aims to provide capacity building training on developing, implementing and enforcing child safeguarding policies and frameworks for shelter and multisectoral staff working with shelters.
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IMOCAFV project launches questionnaire
January 28, 2021
The IMOCAFV project aims to collect descriptive information worldwide about the approach to domestic / family violence, with special attention to primary care providers, cooperation within primary care and with specialized care and security enforcement. Special attention is paid to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Congress Domestic Violence, insight through Corona times (June 8, 2021)
January 28, 2021
This conference focuses on domestic violence in the Corona crisis. Statistics in the Netherlands do not (yet) show that domestic violence increased during the corona crisis. This is partly due to the fact that in some families things are going better than expected now that the stress of, for example, traveling has subsided.
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Online meeting EFJCA and European PROMISE Barnahus network
January 13, 2021
On the 13th of January the EFJCA had an online meeting with the European Barnahus network, Shawnna von Blixen (PROMISE Barnahus Network Coordinator) and Olivia Lind Haldorsson (Sr. Advisor and Head of Children at risk Unit from the Council of Baltic Sea States).
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EFJCA launches Training Program ‘The Theory and Power of HOPE’
December 30, 2020
The city of Antwerp has the ambition to become the city of HOPE. The EFJCA received a grant from Antwerp to train a large number of urban services in the theory and power of HOPE.
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Facebook-campaign around 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence
December 11, 2020
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence activities, from 25 November to 10 December, took place under our 2020 global theme: "Orange the World. Pascale Franck worked together with Facebook and the European Women’s Lobby in the online campaigning in her role of Representative of Soroptimist International of Europe at European Women's Lobby and Vice-president European Family Justice Centers Alliance.
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2021-2023 start Project ‘Circus Hoop’
December 11, 2020
The Belgian organisation Ell Circo dell Fuego wants to introduce a new, scientifically based method for children to deal with the effects of negative experiences in their childhood. In collaboration with the partners FJC Antwerp, the city of Antwerp, Ondersteboven/Arktos and the EFJCA they started the project ‘Circus Hoop’.
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December 9, 2020
The colleagues of the FJC Foyle, Northern Ireland, were involved in the organisation of a online symposium about Coercive Control. This free online event was open to all health care professionals and professionals working in statutory, community and voluntary agencies providing services to families, children and young people.
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Leadership Summit Alliance for Hope
December 2-3, 2020
Over 150 leaders and directors of Family Justice/Multi-Agency Centers gathered virtually today for the 11th Annual Leadership Summit. The second day's events included our 3rd Annual HOPE Talks, where we heard from Craig Roberts, Mike Jump, and Pascale Franck on how they have been able to really think outside of the box to provide accessible services to survivors amidst COVID-19.
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Orange the World Virtual Conference Aruba
November 25, 2020
The Fundacion pa Hende Muhe den Dificultad organized an on line virtual conference “Orange the World”. Speakers: MC. Larissa Bermudez, Suzy Kock President of FHMD, Pascale Franck & Bert Groen.
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EFJCA participates in OECD event ‘Government After Shock'
November 18, 2020
On the 18th of November the EFJCA participated in a virtual high-level panel discussion entitled “Building whole-of-government approaches to address gender-based violence.” This panel discussion was part of the 2-day event Government After Shock.
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Study Visit Online European Network for Work with Perpetrators
November 11, 2020
The study visit took place in a different format than our usual study visit. In response to the pandemic, WWP EN decided that the event would take place online.
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Online panel discussion Soroptimist International Europe: Holistic Training
November 7, 2020
Soroptimists act as advocates for causes relating to women and girls at local, national and international levels. The Online discussion focused on bringing together advocacy, as voice for women and children, and programming, as concrete actions to make a difference.
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European Forum of Restorative Justice
October 29, 2020
The EFJCA and the EFRJ worked together on different occasions during autumn 2020. Bert Groen and Pascale Franck joined the trainers pool of ERRJ and are part of the workgroup on gender-based violence.
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Te Doy Foundation receives U.S. grant to establish a FJC in Moldova
October 20, 2020
The U.S. based Te Doy Foundation was awarded the two-year, $788,000 FJC Project in Moldova. The primary goal of the Project is the establishment of an FJC in Moldova.
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Conference FJC Maison d’Ella Bordeaux France
September 29, 2020
FJC Maison D’Ella of Bordeaux and La Direction Régionale aux Droits des Femmes et à l’Egalité, l’Agence Régionale de Santé organized an online conference on the approach of psychotrauma with female survivors of Violence.
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Congress Domestic Violence, insight through Corona times
June 30, 2020
This conference, that will be held on Wednesday 18 november 2020 focuses on domestic violence in the Corona crisis. The conference will take place in Hilversum (NL).
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EFJCA Yearly report 2018 & 2019
June 26, 2020
The EFJCA proudly presents the EFJCA Yearly Report 2018 & 2019. The report gives an overview of the development of the European Family Justice Center Alliance/Alliance for Hope and Empowerment, its vision and mission, but more important also an overview of our international activities.
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3 years FJC Mechelen: working together for works
June 26, 2020
On May 23, 2017, the Family Justice Center Mechelen opened its doors ... more than 500 families were able to help and / or strengthen them through an FJC process to continue. The collaboration between the many partners in the field (public prosecutor's office, police, assistance and services, local government and the Flemish government) works.
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Eurocities seminar about the situation for women during COVID-1
June 17, 2020
On 16 June 2020 our Swedish FJC partner Margot Olsson participated in a EUROCITIES seminar addressing the situation for women during Covid-19. She provided a short speak about the situation in Malmö and some of their measures.
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Webinar 'Intrafamiliaal geweld, Family Justice Centers en de Covid-19 maatregelen'
June 16, 2020
On Monday June 16th, 2020 Pascale Franck organised for the Soroptimist clubs in Antwerp a webinar in Dutch, focused on the consequences of the COVID-19 measures for tackling domestic violence in Belgium and the operational activities of the FJCs during this period.
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Practical guidelines COVID-19 within the approach of domestic violence and child abuse
March 28, 2020
The measures taken by the European countries to combat the COVID 19 have a huge impact on the lives of survivors of domestic violence and their families. To support all professionals the EFJCA has made practical guidelines.
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EFJCA with Fier (the Netherlands) supporting the government of Aruba
February 14, 2020
From Sunday 9 till Wednesday 13 February 2020 the EFJCA was invited by Bureau Sostenemi and CEDE Aruba to support their initiatives to develop and implement an effective and sustainable multidisciplinary approach (MDA) of domestic violence and child abuse. The FJC Model served as an example for an effective and sustainable multidisciplinary approach.
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EFJCA at OECD High-Level Conference on Ending Violence Against Women in Paris
February 7, 2020
On Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 February 2020 the EFJCA was invited by the OECD to participate at the High-Level Conference on Ending Violence Against Women. The EFJCA participated in the panel session ‘Integrating services to Support Survivors’ and before this session the FJC-movie was plenary shown to the audience. The conference brought together over 200 leading experts.
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Masterclass "Offender accountability and victim's safety" by James Henderson (Antwerp, Belgium)
February 3, 2020
In Antwerp, the masterclass was followed by 50 professionals from the Fjc, police, justice and help centers. The masterclass focused on strengthening knowledge and offering new insights into the realization of behavioral change and increasing taking accountability by perpetrators of domestic violence, based on a victim-oriented approach.
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31 January 2020
50 professionals of several organizations and professions toke part in this masterclass in Rotterdam. The masterclass focused on strengthening knowledge and offering new insights into the realization of behavioral change and increasing taking accountability by perpetrators of domestic violence, based on a victim-oriented approach.
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Closing conference Cease project in Brussels, Belgium
November 20, 2019
‘Companies Againt Domestic Violence’, that was the title of the closing conference from the Cease project on the 20th of November in Brussels which was attended by the EFJCA. During the conference key-note speakers presented the results during the project.
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3th International EFJCA-conference, Antwerp
November 16, 2019
The EFJCA and the FJC Antwerp with support from of the City of Antwerp, the Flemish Government, the Province of Antwerp and the Soroptimists clubs Antwerpen Anthos, Antwerpen and Antwerpen De Zes Rozen, organized together the 3nd International Conference of Family Justice Centers and co-related multidisciplinary centers. The Conference took place from 13 till 15 november 2019,
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October 27, 2019
From 23-25 October the EFJCA staff participated in the WWP EN Annual Conference that took place in Heraklion (Greece) and was organized by the Union of Women Associations Heraklion (UWAH). Under the title "Let's talk about it - Advancing interventions on sexual violence in perpetrator work" the participants focused on giving perpetrator programs the tools to effectively address sexual violence in relationships.
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FJC Leadership Summit Oklahoma City
September 22-24, 2019
The U.S. Alliance for Hope International organized on the from 22-24th of September their yearly FJC Leadership Summit in Oklahoma City. Around 120 FJC directors and co-directors shared during these 2 days under the direction of Gael Strack and Casey Gwinn their individual experiences and challenges of their own FJC’s. The EFJCA shared with the US participants the topics in the European work and challenges.
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Conference ‘How do we provide good support to victims of violence?
September 12, 2019
The EFJCA was invited to give a presentation in Stockholm (Sweden) on the 10th of September 2019 at the national conference ‘Investing in resources – how do we provide good support to victims of violence?'. In the presence of approximately 200 Swedish participants from local authorities, national government and social welfare organisations the EFJCA presented their work and challenges & opportunities in the development of a multidisciplinary approach.
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3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence
September 6, 2019
From the 1-4 September the EFJCA was present in Oslo on the 3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence. The EFJCA presented their European work in general and the experiences of the FJC Antwerp in particular. The conference was designed for researchers, practitioners and policy makers.
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Working visit to Milan and signing MoU EFJCA and FJC Milan/Policlinico di Milano
July 14, 2019
On July 11th the EFJCA visited the Policlinico di Milano and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Alessandra Kustermann, director of the Policlinico and Michele Rabaiotti, director of Fondazione G.B. Guzzetti in Milan. The MoU recognized the Policlinico di Milan as official FJC Milan.
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Visit delegation from Cyprus to EFJCA and FJC Antwerp
June 30, 2019
Earlier this month a group of professionals and representatives of the ministry in Cyprus, responsible for the approach of domestic violence, visited for 2-days the EFJCA in Antwerp. Reason for their visit was to learn more about the FJC model and effective approaches/methodologies.
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Conference Breaking the Silence
June 24, 2019
For the last decade Iceland has been internationally recognized for being one of the most gender equal countries in the world. But does this mean that there are no challenges in Iceland when it comes to full gender equality? Breaking the Silence is a conference on how Icelanders United Against Domestic Violence. The conference will be held on the 29th of August 2019 in Reykjavík (Iceland).
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Conference ‘From Hurt to Hope’ (Derry/Londonderry)
June 4-5, 2019
Foyle Family Justice Centre hosted a major international conference “From Hurt to Hope” specifically designed for local and international professionals working in all areas of Domestic Violence. The EFJCA provided 2 workshops during this international conference with the focus on the European work of the Alliance in general and the experiences of the FJC Antwerp.
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EFJCA-webinar for the participants of the CEASE-project
April 16, 2019
The EFJCA works together with the CEASE-project. On 16th of April, the EFJCA provided a webinar for the participants of the CEASE-project, focussing on the impact of partner violence and domestic violence on the workplace, how to handle it and the multidisciplinary approach.
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EFJCA-team provided training on upcoming GREVIO Assesment for Malta
March 27, 2019
On Wednesday March 27, 2019, the EFJCA team provided a 1-day training in Malta for professionals from organisations which support and/or coordinate Violence Against Women/Domestic Violence/Gender-based violence support services on the GREVIO questionnaire.
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The 19th Annual International Family Justice Center Conference
March 18 – 21, 2019
The EFJCA and the team of the Mutsaersstichting joined in March the 19th International FJC Conference in San Diego, organized by the U.S. Alliance for Hope International and provided on Thursday March 21 their joint workshop "Working with Families and Perpetrators in European Family Justice Centers’".
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He Choked Me and Left no Marks: Recognizing and Preventing Strangulation Webinar
February 28, 2019
The WWP EN, the European Network for Work with Perpetrators organized on 28 February 2019, a 1-hour-webinar on non-fatal strangulation(Facilitators: Bert Groen & Pascale Franck). This webinar gave the opportunity for professionals to take part in a unique overview of the most hidden and lethal forms of domestic violence. The webinar will be on line soon.
Conference From Hurt to Hope (Derry/Londonderry, 4 & 5 June 2019)
February 25, 2019
Foyle Family Justice Centre will host a major international conference “From Hurt to Hope” specifically designed for local and international professionals working in all areas of Domestic Violence. The Conference will be held at the Ulster University (Magee Campus) in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland, on 4 and 5 June 2019.
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The Annual report of FJC Mechelen
February 20, 2019
In the link you will find the 2018 annual report of the FJC Mechelen. In addition to figures that show the number of dossiers and clients handled, the annual report also describes the activities and activities of the FJC in 2018. This report is currently only available in Dutch, but an English version is being worked on. With thanks to Karolien Boonen, coordinator of the FJC Mechelen.
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February 19, 2019
On 19 February 2019 the EFJCA took part at the 19th Eastern Partnership Platform 1 on "Strengthening Institutions and Good Governance". The EFJCA was invited as keynote speaker and good-practice-advisors of the EAP Platform. The 19th Eastern Partnership Platform 1 on "Strengthening Institutions and Good Governance" took place in Brussels, gathering policy makers from EU Member States, the 6 Eastern Partnership Partner countries and EU services, as well as representatives from the Council of Europe, the United Nations, and civil society organisations.
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High level event on ‘Strengthening institutions and Good government’ with a particular focus on domestic violence
February 19, 2019
On Thursday February 19th the EFJCA was invited by the organizing committee to participate and provide a presentation about the FJC model in Brussels at the high level event on ‘Strengthening institutions and Good government’ with a particular focus on domestic violence. In November 2017 the Eastern Partnership countries (EaP) (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) and the EU decided on a set of targets that should be delivered by 2020 (the document was called the 20 deliverables for 2020). The document includes 20 targets which each have several objectives.
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Delegation of organisations and professionals from Rotterdam and region are visiting the Family Justice Center Antwerp
February 14, 2019
On Thursday February 14th a large delegation of the municipality Rotterdam and organisations working in the region Rotterdam-Rijnmond, involved in developing a multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence and child abuse, visited the Family Justice Center in Antwerp. The aim of the visit was to learn from the experiences of the FJC Antwerp with a focus on the context and guiding principles of the FJC, the value of on-site services in the center, the added value of a centered model, the approach in Antwerp of high-risk families with domestic violence, the coordinated approach of domestic violence.
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The 34th Chadwick's Center Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
January 30, 2019
The EFJCA and the team of the Mutsaersstichting provided during the 34th Annual conference in San Diego on Wednesday 30 January their joint workshop "THE IMPORTANCE OF HOPE FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ACE AND POLYVICTIMIZATION’". During the session the participants were informed how children with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and/or Polyvictimization (repeatedly victimization) can restore the feeling of HOPE in their daily lives.
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