FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

European Alliance
for Hope and

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Opening of the new FJC Foyle (Derry, N.Ireland)

September 2, 2022

Today the official opening of the Foyle Family Justice Centre was celebrated. Foyle Family Justice Centre is be part of the European Family Justice Centre Alliance and the first of it's kind in the UK or Ireland.

One-stop centre

Foyle Family Justice Centre (FFJC) is a one-stop centre, with onsite and offsite agencies and programmes, for individuals and families experiencing domestic abuse. Our FFJC Navigators (on-site consultants) will link you to the services you need.

FJC Foyle offers a centralised service provision of 20+ public and charitable agencies and organisations. A Holistic (wrap around) service will be provided to every family where violence or abuse is reported.

Large range of services and programmes

Working with solutions tailored to individual families will result in an end to violence and abuse, this is something other initiatives have not achieved.
At Foyle Family Justice Centre, we will provide a large range of services and programmes including:

  • Crisis Intervention
  • Emergency accommodation
  • Case management
  • Self-sufficiency programmes

More information

Website: foylefamilyjusticecentre.org