FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Planning the next steps in 2023 and exciting news

December 30, 2022

We are very pleased to inform you about the exciting plans of our EFJCA network for 2023. A lot of activities are planned and we will reach out to you with several opportunities to exchange, learn, build capacity, support, inform and more.

A grip of the actions for 2023:

  • We will have the opportunity to re-grant 100.000 Euro to members in the EU countries. The EU rewarded us as one of the European Networks able to regrant European funding, in this case to build capacity for multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence. We will keep you informed about the procedure and bring out a call for proposals soon.
  • Our 5th international conference will take place in Antwerp, Belgium, on 15 tot 17 March 2023. Please save the date.
  • We have a range of masterclasses, webinars and exchange meetings planned.
  • We introduce our Voices-committee, our dedicated group of survivors and very important in the further plans of the EFJCA.
  • The toolkit Intimate Terror will be further developed and ready during 2023.
  • We will start the affiliation procedure for Family Justice Centers and related multidisciplinary approaches
  • Ongoing support, possibilities for exchange between members, study visits and custom-made trainings will be organized throughout 2023. Just reach out to us with any question.