FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

The SafeShelter Guide available

The SafeShelter Guide is available. SafeShelter is a project that aims to provide training on developing, implementing and enforcing child safeguarding policies and frameworks in shelters. The target group of this Guide are all women’s shelter staff who have children residing in the shelter, as well as all professionals and agencies they work with in order to safeguard children.

Keeping children safe

The SafeShelter Guide has been developed to assist staff of women’s shelters who offer (crisis) care to female victims of gender-based violence and their children. The Guide is directed to these professionals and the collaborating services and agencies they work with, who are committed to keeping children in their shelters safe and protect them from all forms of violence.

Reference document

The guide is a reference document that readers can use when they need guidance on various aspects of child safeguarding in women’s shelters, with the best interests of the child as the focus. The shelter staff can use the guide to support with developing and using their child safeguarding policy to improve the wellbeing of children in their care.

Divided into different sections

The Guide is divided into different sections based on the topics discussed, so readers can directly go to specific sections that are relevant. It is drafted in a way that its provisions apply equally to protecting both girls and boys who may experience or witness any form of violence and thus be in need of support.
