FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Masterclass "Offender accountability and victim's safety" by James Henderson (Antwerp, Belgium)

February 3, 2020

In Antwerp, the masterclass was followed by 50 professionals from the Fjc, police, justice and help centers. The masterclass focused on strengthening knowledge and offering new insights into the realization of behavioral change and increasing taking accountability by perpetrators of domestic violence, based on a victim-oriented approach.

In the Masterclass, questions such as:

  • What is the primary responsibility of your role as a professional?
  • Why the focus on 'accountability' among perpetrators and what does that mean?
  • How do I discuss this and guarantee the safety of victims?
  • How do I realize an effective and long-term behavioral change in offenders?

James Henderson, Director of Offender Accountability for the National U.S. Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention, provides training in effective interviewing of perpetrators and victims of domestic violence.

During the Masterclass, James was supported by Pascale Franck and Bert Groen of the European Family Justice Center Alliance.