FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Looking for partners in Eastern Europe/Balkan

April 15, 2024

The Women's Shelter in Styria/Austria is looking for partners from Eastern Europe or Balkan countries to participate in the following project proposal: “The System Matters - TSM Parenthood: Adressing parenthood in victim-safety oriented work with male perpetrators, female victims of GBV and children”.

Project prosposal

This project prosposal is under the CERV-2024-DAPHNE (Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children / Priority 3: Targeted actions for the prevention of gender-based violence, in the domestic sphere, in intimate relationships, and online, including through targeted actions with perpetrators).

TSM - Parenthood pursues a 'system matters' approach and relies on all actors in the family system at the same time in order to interrupt the already existing dynamics of violence.


Sustainable work against violence in the family requires:

  • Institutions that have the appropriate specializations with perpetrators of violence and those affected by violence. For this reason, TSM - Parenthood is implemented as a joint project of work with perpetrators, women's shelters and victim work children organisations.
  • Cooperation, concepts and case-related exchange between the participating institutions.
  • Bringing perspectives together: more perspective lead to better results.
  • Trust, compatible definitions of partiality(s), pragmatic approach, time, resources, error-friendliness.


Victim protection-oriented work with perpetrators as interventions in cases of violence in the social environment, pursues the goal of "changing the behaviour of violent persons, ending violence and protecting, supporting and strengthening those affected by violence from renewed violence. This goal will be implemented in a division of labour and networked by perpetrator/perpetrator work and victim protection institutions, which will also work together with the responsible authorities." In the case of TSM- Parenthood, the focus is on parenthood.

The TSM - Parenthood project aims to promote caring masculinities and men's involvement in parenthood, thereby significantly minimizing the risk of domestic violence and increasing the safety and well-being of women and children.

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