FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

EFJCA at OECD High-Level Conference on Ending Violence Against Women in Paris

7 February 2020

On Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 February 2020 the EFJCA was invited by the OECD to participate at the High-Level Conference on Ending Violence Against Women. The EFJCA participated in the panel session ‘Integrating services to Support Survivors’ and before this session the FJC-movie was plenary shown to the audience.

Pascale & Bert with Mrs. Gabriela Ramos, OECD Chief of Staff and Sherpa to G20

Opening by the OECD Secretary-General Mr. Angel Gurria

Violence against women remains a global pandemic. Worldwide, more than one out of three women have experienced physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. The OECD Ministers increasingly recognize that violence against women is a crisis in their countries. The OECD Gender Equality Questionnaire illustrated that governments prioritize this issue as a crucial front in the battle for gender equality: 21 of the 37 governments adhering to the OECD Gender Recommendation listed violence against women as one of the three most urgent gender equality issues in their country. And the OECD Public Governance Committee has called on the OECD to support countries in providing an integrated, cross-Ministerial and state-wide response towards violence against women through its Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and Action Plan.

The conference brought together over 200 leading experts, Ministers and high-level officials across Ministers from OECD countries and emerging economies, as well as representatives from business, trade unions and civil society.
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Here you can find some photos from the conference on the OECD Flikr Page, and can revisit some of the social media content via the Highlights section of our Instagram account.

Pascale & Bert with Ms. Eve M. Valera and James Henderson (USA)

Pascale & Bert with the Minister of Justice Iceland, Ms. Aslaug Arna Sigurbjönsdottir