FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th and 16th of March 2023

August 11, 2022

Hereby we want to share with you the "Save the Date" for our 5th International EFJCA-conference: 15th and 16th of March 2023, in Antwerp, Belgium. We will focus on two main topics: "Adolescent/Young Adult domestic violence towards Parents and Siblings" and "The empowerment of victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence through the HOPE-approach".

We are very pleased to announce 3 high level key-note-speakers: Dan Dulberger and Willem Beckers for "parent/sibling violence of adolescent/young adult" and Chan Hellman for "Empowerment and Hope-approach".

  • Dan Dulberger (Canada) is a family and marital therapist, counseling therapist and parent-counselor in Non-Violent Resistance interventions. He is internationally acknowledged as an expert in the Non-Violent Resistance approach.
  • Willem Beckers (Belgium) is social worker and clinical psychologist at the Interactie-Academie, with an additional psychotherapy training in systemic theory and Non-violent Resistance. He focuses on child-parent violence.
  • Chan Hellman is Professor at the University of Oklahoma and Director of The Hope Research Center. Chan is internationally renowned for his work on building a hope-centered response to trauma.

We will soon bring more information about the EFJCA-activities for the autumn and winter.

The EFJCA news feed
The EFJCA news feed has also several interesting topics about the activities of our members and of the EFJCA, so please feel invited to have a look: www.efjca.eu/news

We are always happy to share your projects, news, information, reports, achievements,... with our members. So don't hesitate to mail us and we are glad to post your input on our website.