FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Dutch TV Broadcast on Feminicide and Non-Fatal-Strangulation

April 7, 2023

The TV makers of POINTER, a Dutch investigative journalism platform of KRO-NCRV on TV, radio and online, broadcast a strong report yesterday about the (failing) approach to femicide and non-fatal strangulation. The broadcast is in Dutch, but parts of the report are spoken in English.

The 'red flags'

The 'red flags' for partner murder have been known for decades. For example, you are seven times more likely to die if your partner has previously strangled you. Yet the Netherlands often fails to help in time, despite all kinds of risk assessments and local initiatives. More than half of female victims are still killed by their partner or ex, with all the omens that entails. Isn't murder a priority if it happens behind the front door?


Dr Cath White, who often works with the EFJCA to propagate these issues, brings her knowledge and experience to bear in this report. The EFJCA is working in the background on this broadcast and the sequel.
