FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

4 , 5 and 6 September 2024, Milan Italy

Report of the 6th International EFJCA-conference

The 6th International EFJCA conference was organized by the European Family Justice Center Alliance, the FJC Milan and the Fondazione IRCCS – Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. The main topic of the conference was the collaboration of the health sector in the multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence.

During the 3 days national and international good practices and joint ventures were explored and a shared visions for the future were discussed. Around 130 professionals from 9 EU countries attended the 3 conference days in person and around 75 attended on-line.

The specific topic of day 3 of the conference, Friday 06/09 was: ‘Extreme Consequences In Gender-Based Violence. From Femicide To Forced Migration: Challenges For The Health Sector’

This third conference day was organized in collaboration with professor Danilo De Angelis and the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University on Milano and Labanof.

Day 1 (Wednesday) and day 2 (Thursday) can be viewed by the following links

04/09 afternoon 13.00 – 18.00:

05/09 morning 09.00 – 12.30:

05/09 afternoon 13.30 – 16.45:

06/09 morning 09.00 – 12.00
Due to the content of the speeches, the video of day 3 will not be visible through you-tube. For the participants that want to view the speeches of day 3, please send an email with "video day 3" in the heading to board@efjca.eu.

PDF’s of the presentations of speakers that used a PowerPoint

Wednesday 04/09

Dr. Giussy Barbara, Director of SVSeD, Assistant Professor University of Milan:

Mary-Claire Landry, International Alliance for Hope, USA:
Strengthening communities: a multidisciplinary approach through Family Justice Centers

Ghada Hatem, #Re-Start France and founder FJC Paris/St. Denis:
The good practice of Saint-Denis: the role of the health sector in building multidisciplinary centers.

Dr. Alessandra Kustermann, president SVSDAD, Milan/Italy:
Is the model sustainable everywhere?

Professor Irene Pellizzone, University of Milan:
Dating violence screening at university: a link between the academic and health sectors

Pascale Franck & Bert Groen, EFJCA:
Family Justice Centers: Developments in Europe

Thursday 05/09

Dr. Marie Claude Hofner, physician expert gender-based violence and domestic violence, Switzerland:
The strategic role of healthcare professionals in the early detection of victims: what hinders them and what helps?

Dr. Ines Keygnaert, professor of sexual and reproductive health, research line on violence and violation of sexual and reproductive health, Belgium:
Alert project: Empowering the health sector in addressing sexual and domestic violence through training

Dr. Alessandra Granata, SVSeD Milan/Italy:
Sexual violence is adolescence: from trauma to individuation

Professor Cath White, forensic doctor and medical director of the Institute for Addressing Strangulation & the Sexual Offense Medicine Lead for the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine, UK:
Sexual Violence, multidisciplinary approach and the link to minors.

Dr. Giussy Barbara & Dr. Laila Micci, SVSeD Milan/Italy:
Domestic violence in pregnancy: the role of the maternity services

Professor Cath White, forensic doctor and medical director of the Institute for Addressing Strangulation & the Sexual Offense Medicine Lead for the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine, UK:
Non-fatal Strangulation

Mary-Claire Landry, CEO HOPE community health center New Orleans, USA:
Ensuring Justice and Healing: Forensic and medical examination of gender-based violence survivors.

Rita Manuela Chiappa, program director of Soroptimist International of Italy 2024-2025:
Fighting violence against women through empathy and the removal of shame: the project ‘A room of one’s own’ of Soroptimist International of Italy in partnership with the national Police corps.

Friday 06/09

Dr. Morris Tidball Binz, UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions:
Femicide: its investigation and prevention

Danilo De Angelis, associate professor of Forensic Medicine and Odontology UNIMI:
Children as victims: Unaccompanied minors and medicolegal assessment of fragility

Cristina Cattaneo, full professor of Legal Medicine and Anthropology UNIMI
Victims of torture and gender violence: new challenges for physicians in the era of migration
