FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Leadership Summit Alliance for Hope

December 2-3, 2020

Over 150 leaders and directors of Family Justice/Multi-Agency Centers gathered virtually today for the 11th Annual Leadership Summit. The second day's events included our 3rd Annual HOPE Talks, where we heard from Craig Roberts, Mike Jump, and Pascale Franck on how they have been able to really think outside of the box to provide accessible services to survivors amidst COVID-19.

Dreaming about the future

Attendees then selected one of four breakout groups to dive into a topic that has been pressing for FJ/MA Centers this year. We spent the afternoon dreaming about the future by diving into what it looks like to develop hope-centered organizations for our staff. We heard from the National Network for Safe Communities on restorative justice practices and how FJCs can participate in the work of reconciliation by repairing harm and rebuilding trust in the community.

We visited virtually the very beautiful Family Safety Center of Nashville, Tennessee, guided by Director Diana Lance.

Photo impression Summit