FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

EFJCA with Fier (the Netherlands) supporting the government of ARUBA with the development of a multidisciplinary approach (MDA) of domestic violence and child abuse

14 February 2020

From Sunday 9 till Wednesday 13 February 2020 the EFJCA was invited by Bureau Sostenemi and CEDE Aruba to support their initiatives to develop and implement an effective and sustainable multidisciplinary approach (MDA) of domestic violence and child abuse.

The FJC Model

The FJC Model served as an example for an effective and sustainable multidisciplinary approach. Together with Linda Terpstra from Fier (Friesland, the Netherlands) the EFJCA used these 4 days to participate in several high-level meetings, organized by the leaders of this process, Daphny Tecklenborg, director Bureau Sostenemi (Advice and Support Center Child Abuse), Glenda Hernandez, director Social Affairs Aruba and Daniel Tecklenborg, director CEDE Aruba, the National Foundation for Social Development.

The immediate reason was the violent death of the brothers Rishandroh (5) and Roshandrick (3). After this shocking case, the Aruban government announced structural changes within the chains of care, justice and education. More background information

The projectteam:

The project-team(from L to R): Bert Groen (president EFJCA), Glenda Hernandez (director Social Affairs), Linda Terpstra (chair of board Fier), Daniel Tecklenborg (director CEDE Aruba), Pascale Franck (director FJC Antwerp) and Daphny Tecklenborg (director Sostenemi).

Day 1:

Presentation for the Prime Minister of Aruba mrs. Evelyn Wever, the Minister of Justice Andin Bikker, the Minister of Education Armando R. Lampe, the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Glenbert F. Croes


Day 2:

Presentation and workshop sessions for all relevant stakeholders from Police, Justice, Social and Mental Welfare, Education, Social Housing, Women’s Aid, Lawyers, Governement, etc…


Day 3:

Presentation for Government representatives and opposition.