FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Masterclass Jane Monckton Smith

February 14, 2023

The EFJCA organized a masterclass with professor Jane Monckton Smith, on the very severe cases of intimate partner violence and the 8 stages to murder. The content of the masterclass was based on case-studies and evidence-based methodology.

It offered tools and knowledge to deal with this form of violence and integrate specific attention into the daily work, with the purpose to reduce the impact and consequences for victims.


102 participants followed the masterclass, half of the participants in person in the Netherlands, Cappelle a/d IJssel, the other participants online from several countries. Participants came from Family Justice Centers, Police, Justice, Law, Women's Aid, Voices, Social work, policy,...
You can find the PDF of the masterclass here.

Interview with Jane

The Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant did follow the masterclass, interviewed Jane and published a clear article about the knowledge of Jane.

More sessions planned

There will be more sessions planned on Coercive control and Intimate Terror, also with Jane Monckton Smith. If you like to be updated, you can subscribe to our Newsflash.