FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Masterclass Intimate Terror and Coercive Control (by Professor Jane Monckton Smith)

14th February 2023 (09.30-16.00)

This masterclass focuses on ‘Intimate terror and coercive control', a very severe form of gender based and domestic violence. The masterclass will be held at the BCN Rotterdam (Barbizonlaan 25, Capelle a/d IJssel) but can also be followed online.

Major impact on victims and their children

Intimate terror has a major impact on victims and their children. In the approach of domestic violence, we notice that intimate terror often last for a long time and that continuity in the approach is not always guaranteed. Intimate terror is characterized by large imbalance of power in the relationship and by compulsive control of one partner over the other, by restricting freedom, isolating and using severe physical and psychological violence, including sexual violence. The victim and the children constantly feel threatened and unsafe.

Content masterclass

The masterclass is recommended for professionals in learning the basics about the dynamics and impact of intimate terror and coercive control and how to recognize, disclose, question and investigate this form of violence. The content of this masterclass is based on case-studies and evidence-based methodology. It offers tools and knowledge to deal with this form of violence and integrate specific attention into the daily work, with the purpose to reduce the impact and consequences for victims.

About Professor Jane Monckton Smith

Jane is Professor of Public Protection at the University of Gloucestershire with a specialism in homicide, coercive control and stalking. She works with families bereaved through homicide helping them with criminal justice and other processes; she advises police on current and cold case investigations, and crisis risk assessments; she trains police and other professionals in assessing threat and risk in cases of domestic violence and recognizing and identifying suspicious deaths. She is the author of the book 'In Control: Dangerous Relationships and How They End In Murder'.

Target group

The masterclass is aimed at professionals who come in contact and/or work with victims of domestic violence and sexual violence. Main target groups are police officers and social workers at police, prosecutors, judges, criminologists, women’s aid, doctors and nurses, social workers, case managers and therapists at perpetrator programs, policy makers, victim support, social services, mental health sector,......