FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

International EFJCA cross-professional meeting 31/08/2023 - A closer look at European FJCs

July 7, 2023

Thursday August 31 2023 the EFJCA will organize an on-line international EFJCA cross-professional meeting with the title: A closer look at European FJCs!. This meeting with the international EFJCA members is all about exchanging good-practices, latest news and developments, sharing of information and knowledge, and especially aimed at learning from each other in our joint efforts to develop and maintain the most effective ways of a multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence.

The meeting

The meeting will take place from 14.30-16.30 CEST (Central European Time = UTC +2). The 2-hour meeting is interactive and like last year we will besides a plenary part also use break-out rooms in which smaller groups can inform each other about each other’s work/organization/local or regional developments (and more of course) and have time for short mutual discussions.

There are no costs associated with participation and the used language is English. The agenda and zoom-link for the meeting will be send to those who have registered a couple of days before August 31.