FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers


The EFJCA has a ‘cross professional collaboration’ membership formula. A formula in which the members of the EFJCA network together focus to achieve an effective approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence through mutual communication and cooperation.

Members are:

  • Family Justice Centers
  • Related Multidisciplinary models
  • Organizations, professionals and networks, working/active in the field of gender based, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual violence with interest in the activities and products of the EFJCA, subscribing to the guiding principles, mission and vision of the European network.

The network includes organisations and experts from the (mental) health sector, police, justice, women’s aid, victim service, child advocacy, perpetrator programs, research centers, universities, …

Become an EFJCA-member