FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

3th International EFJCA-conference “One safe Place for Hope and Empowerment”

Masterclass “(Non-Fatal) Strangulation” and “The Science and Power of Hope”

13-15 november 2019, Antwerp

Strategies, Tools and Products to build and support Family Justice Centers and related multidisciplinary approaches of Gender-Based Violence, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse.

The EFJCA and the FJC Antwerp with support from of the City of Antwerp, the Flemish Government, the Province of Antwerp and the Soroptimists clubs Antwerpen Anthos, Antwerpen and Antwerpen De Zes Rozen, organized together the 3nd International Conference of Family Justice Centers and co-related multidisciplinary centers.

The Province of Antwerp was so kind to host us during the two conference days in their new Provincial Government building, a beautiful location for an inspiring exchange. The more than 190 participants from 15 countries from Europe and USA participated on a range of activities during the two days in November.

Report of the Activities


The beautiful environment of the new Provincial Government building, very kindly offered by the Province of Antwerp, was our basis for the two conference days. The first day of the conference we held a plenary session in the morning with a range of interesting speakers. In the afternoon 4 parallel sessions were given.


Bart De Wever, Mayor of Antwerp
The Importance of local authorities in tackling violence: the experience of the City of Antwerp.

Luk Lemmens, Deputy Province of Antwerp
A warm welcome to all participants.

An Nelissen, actrice & patroness awareness-campaign gender-based and domestic violence Antwerp
Karen Slembrouck, Voice FJC Antwerp
Voices, the stories of victims of violence: this message is our key!

Bert Groen & Pascale Franck
The European Family Justice Centers: a road trip though the European experiences in building-up a FJC

Karine Moykens, Secretary-General of Department of Welfare, Public Health & Family Femish Government
From bottum-up experiences to sustainable policy: interaction between field workers and policy makers.

Ingrid Bellander, Unit Gender Equality European Commission
The European perspective on multidisciplinary approach of violence

Monika Queisser, Social Policy OECD
The broad perspective: the Vision of the OECD

Carolien Demey, vice-president Soroptimist International Europe
Orange the World: Let’s work together to tackle gender-based violence.

Gael Strack, founder FJC movement and CEO Alliance for Hope International
The Power of Hope and Empowerment: the core of trauma-informed care that makes the difference.

Parallel sessions:

(Non-fatal) Strangulation: a hidden but widespread form of violence with a huge impact for victims
By Gael Strack, CEO Alliance for Hope International

The work with perpetrators in Family Justice Centers: experience and inspiration
By James Henderson, trainer for the US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women

How to Start a FJC: inspiration and tools for every-one dreaming of establishing a multidisciplinary approach
By Davy Simons, City of Antwerp, & Dries Wijckmans, FJC Limburg.
download presentation Davy Simons
download presentation Dries Wijckmans


During the evening Inge Scholte, the president of Soroptimist International Belgium, launched together with the Soroptimist clubs Antwerpen Anthos, Antwerpen, Antwerpen De Zes Rozen and the City of Antwerp the ‘Orange the World’ campaign. The welcome was done by Tom Meeuws, Elderman of Antwerp. Two Voices of FJC Antwerp, Esther Moyersoens and Karen Slembrouck, shared their experiences as survivors of domestic violence.


Parallel sessions:

The work with perpetrators in Family Justice Centers: experience and inspiration
By James Henderson, trainer for the US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women

Multifocus: evidence-based systemic intervention starting from safety-driven, trauma-informed care
By Lienja van Eijkern, Mutsaersstichting.

Moral Deliberation: an important methodology for making the right decisions
By Ruud Meij & Dorien Jeltema, Governance & Integrity

Plenary sessions:

The Psychology of Hope: Hope Centered and Trauma Informed
By Chan Hellman, Prof. Social Work University of Oklahoma and Director of Hope Resaerch Center
Link naar pdf ppt.

The Work with Perpetrators in the FJC-concept
By James Henderson.

Hope for the Future: Thoughts and Ideas
By Gael Strack

Parallel sessions:

(Non-fatal) Strangulation: a hidden but widespread form of violence with a huge impact for victims
By Gael Strack, CEO Alliance for Hope International

Moral Deliberation: an important methodology for making the right decisions
By Ruud Meij & Dorien Jeltema, Governance & Integrity

The work with perpetrators and the role of restorative Justice: long-term safety as input
By Katrien Lauwart and Annemieke Wolthuis, European Forum for Restorative Justice

How to Start a FJC: inspiration and tools for every-one dreaming of establishing a multidisciplinary approach
By Davy Simons, City of Antwerp, & Dries Wijckmans, FJC Limburg.


At the end of the conference the participants were given the opportunity to visit the FJC Antwerp. Guided tours were provided by the Belgian FJC employees.

DAY 3 MASTERCLASSES “Non-Fatal) Strangulation” and “The Science and Power of Hope”

Masterclass “(Non-Fatal) Strangulation” by Gael Strack and James Henderson, Experts of the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention.

Masterclass “The Science and Power of Hope”, by Chan Hellman Ph.D, professor of social work at the University of Oklahoma and Director of the Hope Research Center

All downloads: