FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

The Theory of HOPE

Hope is not a wish! Hope is about taking action to pursue your goals.
At the heart of change is your ability to understand the way things are right now in your life, and that you can begin to imagine the way life could be. – Chan Hellman

The Hope-page is developed with the support of the City of Antwerp, city of Hope

Hopeful people more easily achieve their goals. They have more capacity to anticipate obstacles that threaten to block the achievement of their goal. This translates into motivation and perseverance, where they have the energy to overcome obstacles through new and different ideas. From this observation, positive psychology developed the Theory of HOPE.

Hope is an important protective factor that enables people to thrive and increase their well-being. Hope is also an important source of help with various traumas, long-term stress situations and burnout.

HOPE is measurable: The HOPE score measures people's expectations to achieve goals. Several tools have been developed for to help people to find pathways and sources of energy to improve perspectives for their own future.

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Hoopvolle mensen zijn beter in staat hun doelen te bereiken. Ze kunnen beter anticiperen op obstakels die het bereiken van hun doel dreigen te blokkeren. Dit vertaalt zich in motivatie en doorzettingsvermogen, waarbij ze de energie hebben om via nieuwe en andere ideeën belemmeringen te overwinnen. Vanuit deze vaststelling ontwikkelde de positieve psychologie de theorie van HOOP.

Hoop is een belangrijke beschermende factor die mensen in staat stelt zich te ontplooien en hun welzijn te verhogen. Hoop is ook een belangrijke bron van hulp bij de diverse trauma's, langdurige stress-situaties en burn-out.

HOOP is meetbaar: de HOOP-score meet de verwachtingen van mensen om doelen te bereiken. Van hieruit kunnen trajecten worden ingezet om mensen te helpen perspectieven voor de eigen toekomst te verbeteren. Hiervoor zijn er verschillende tools ontwikkeld.

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