FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers


High-level conference ‘Ending Violence against Women – Taking Stock and Next Steps’ at the European Commission's Berlaymont building

December 11, 2018

The Family Justice Center framework was recently profiled by Bert Groen and Pascale Franck at the European Commission on Justice and Consumer and Gender Equality in Brussels. This event combined practical lessons learnt from local projects with high-level policy and forward-looking discussions, with the aim of fostering links and collaborations between the different levels of action needed to combat gender-based violence.

During this conference participants had discussions on an equal footing and in an interactive manner how EU institutions, EU Member States, International Organisations, NGOs, private sector and academics can contribute to combatting violence against wome
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Report EFJCA-conference 2018 - 14, 15 and 16 November 2018, Paris

December 11, 2018

The EFJCA, The “Maison des Femmes” – FJC Paris and the Kering Foundation organized together the 2nd International Conference of Family Justice Centers and co-related multidisciplinary centers in Paris. The 120 participants from 15 countries from Europe, USA and Canada participated on a range of activities during three days in November.
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EFJCA participates in the working meeting of the WONCA-conference, Seoel (Korea)

October 19, 2018

The EFJCA participates in the working meeting of "Special Interest Group on Family Violence" of the WONCA-conference, and in the workshop "Collaborating in violence cases across sectors - the effects and benefits" in Seoel, Korea, 17-21th of October.

The WONCA is the global Family and primary health care doctors globally, and hosts this global WONCA-Conference yearly. It's an honor to be part of this conference, and of the Special Interest group with dedicated professionals across the world, focussing on improving the help offered to survivors of violence.

EFJCA participating in 9th Annual FJC Leadership Summit in Milwaukee

September 25-27, 2018

The rapidly developing movement toward multi-agency collaboration, co-located services, mergers of agencies, shared office space models, and Family Justice Centers is getting the attention of non-profit agency leaders and funders across the country. There are currently more than 130 Family Justice Centers and other types of Multi-Agency Centers in the U.S. and hundreds of other agencies working to develop partnerships and models of co-located services.

Internationally, the movement now has strong momentum including the European Family Justice Center Alliance with initiatives in more than 20 countries. Beyond Europe, there are developing and operating Family Justice Centers or similar cross-sector collaborative Centers in another 15 countries. It is happening. It is time. Family Justice Centers are co-locating with Child Advocacy Centers. Non-profits are merging with other non-profits to create more comprehensive responses to trauma-exposed children and adults.

This Summit was about the next step for your agency? How can you continue to shift the dial in your community?

Delegation of the Dutch ministries are visiting the Family Justice Center Antwerp

September 24, 2018

On Wednesday September 19th a large delegation of the Dutch ministries and municipalities visited the Family Justice Center in Antwerp. The aim of the visit was to learn from the experiences of the FJC Antwerp with a focus on the context and guiding principles of the FJC, the value of on-site services in the center, the added value of a centered model, the approach in Antwerp of high-risk families with domestic violence and the coordinated approach of domestic violence and child abuse in the FJC Antwerp. The FJC Antwerp can in Europe be seen as one of the leading centers when it comes to the multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence according to the FJC principles.

In the Netherlands municipalities join forces with the national government against domestic violence and child abuse. The new action program 'Violence does not belong anywhere at all’ contains many measures to reduce domestic violence and child abuse and to resolve it sustainably. The ambition of the program is to stop violence and make the family situations safe. In order to achieve this, a regional approach to domestic violence and child abuse occurs per region. A national program team helps to translate the ambitions from the program in the region and in the sectors and organizations involved. The intention is that pilots are started in 3 municipalities/regions to develop the objectives of the program

The delegation consists of the members of the national program team, representatives of the Dutch ministries of Safety and Justice, the ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the proposed pilot municipalities. During the 4-hour study visit the staff of FJC Antwerp shared their experiences, challenges and positive results of their FJC approach. The European Family Justice Center Alliance shared the added value of international cooperation in which by sharing lessons learned and international experiences national approaches can benefit and make their programs more effective and sustainable.

Symposium Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Europe

February 20, 2018

Today the EFJCA visited in Brussels the symposium "Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Europe: Advancing Strategies to End Violence against Women and Girls". The EFJCA presented "Developing Effective Strategies to Target VAWG in a Multidisciplinary Approach of Family Violence in the model of European Family Justice Centers" at the symposium organized by The Public Exchange office.

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EFJCA visiting the Berlin partners

February 13, 2018

The EFJCA visited the Berlin partners on 13th of February, exchanging and planning our next steps in our joint venture.

The 32nd Chadwick's Center Annual San Diego International Conference on Family Violence and Child Abuse

30 January - 2 February 2018

The EFJCA provided a workshop "Safeguarding the children in a Multidisciplinary Approach of Family Violence in the model of European Family Justice Centers" in the sessions Global Perspectives on Tuesday 1st of February

The San Diego Conference focuses on multi-disciplinary best-practice efforts to prevent, if possible, or otherwise to investigate, treat, and prosecute child and family maltreatment. The objective of the San Diego Conference is to develop and enhance professional skills and knowledge in the prevention, recognition, assessment and treatment of all forms of maltreatment including those related to family violence as well as to enhance investigative and legal skills. In-depth issues include support for families, prevention, leadership, and policy-making. Translating the latest research into action is also addressed.

Infolunch of the Family Justice Center Mechelen Belgium

18 January 2018

The FJC of Mechelen brought all stakeholders, politicians and cooperators involved in the FJC together to present the results of the first 6 months work of the FJC. A kind-hearted and motivated team showed encouraging results.

Official opening New location Family Justice Center Limburg Belgium

12 January 2018

The FJC Of Limburg opened their new location in presence of the Ministers of Welfare and the Minister of Justice, together with the Mayors and the governor. The directors of the FJC proudly presented their new book on their work. The Voices of the FJC were present and actively engaged in the presentations.

Brand-new book: One Safe Place for Hope and Empowerment

6th November 2017

The book gives an inside view in the development
of the FJCs and a lot of practical tips and tricks concerning the
construction of a FJC, supported by personal testimonies
of both survivors and stakeholders.

The book can be ordered at Politieia

Advanced Course of Strangulation Prevention, Fort Worth, Texas

24-27 October 2017

The EFJCA was active and present at the Advanced Course of Strangulation Prevention, Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention, of The Alliance for Hope.

The training focussed among others on:

  • Medical signs and symptoms of strangulation assaults
  • Long term consequences, delayed death and fatal strangulation
  • Clinical documentation of strangulation signs and symptoms
  • Strategies for advocacy and working with traumatized victims
  • Best practices, resources and implementation planning

In 2018, the EFJCA will focus on translation of the Strangulation prevention to the European context.

Visit @ One Safe Place - Family Justice Center, Fort Worth, Texas

25th October 2017

The FJC of Fort Worth, Texas, is a perfect example of a strong and well-equipped FJC with a strong and motivating leadership, a kind-hearted team and a client-centered approach.

During our visit we were impressed by the beautiful look and warm atmosphere of the Center. Our colleagues in Texas really make the difference for survivors of domestic violence.

EFJCA official member of the WWP EN

11-13 October 2017, Zagreb Croatia

The EFJCA became official member of the European Network for Work With Perpetrators of Domestic Violence, and took part of the annual meeting in Zagreb. The meeting was very interesting with topics about accountability and victim-centered safety. The workshops were animated and brought interesting exchange. The social event - wine tasting at Croatian wineries - was well chosen and fun. Thank you, hosts and cooperators and board members of WWP EN, for the excellent organization, and colleague-members for the inspiring networking and fun contacts (and the dance).

EFJCA visiting Croatia

12 October 2017, Zagreb Croatia

The EFJCA exchanged with their new partners in Zagreb,Croatia: The Child and Youth Protection Center and the Brave Phone for Children and Brave Phone for moms and Dads. They form with their partners a multidisciplinary one-stop-child-friendly center, offering a high-quality and holistic response towards children, victim of violence and their families.

New location Family Justice Center Limburg

5th of October 2017, Hasselt, Belgium

The EFJCA visited the brand new location of the Family Justice Center Limburg, Belgium in the city of Hasselt.
FJC Limburg started last year and the team is very proud of their new location and the series they can provide to survivors of domestic violence and child abuse, and their families.

Workshop at the II European Conference on Domestic Violence - Porto, Portugal 6-9 September 2017

6th of September 2017

On Wednesday 6th of September 2017 the EFJCA-team - with Bert Groen (president EFJCA), Pascale Franck, (director FJC Antwerp - Vice EFJCA) and Berglind Eyjólfsdóttir (Detective inspector FJC Reykjavik) - provided a 3 hour workshop at the second International European Conference on Domestic Violence organized by the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, UMAR and APAV.

The workshop focussed on the Family Justice Centers in Europe as multi-agency approach of domestic violence that meet the needs of victims of domestic violence and their children. The experiences and lessons learned in the FJCs of Antwerp and Reykjavik reflected the content of the interactive workshop. The workshop led to interesting exchanges, into depth insights, positive discussions and new contacts.

EFJCA visiting the brand new Family Justice Center Reykjavik

30th of August 2017

The Family Justice Center of Reykjavik, Iceland, Bjarkjarhlif, started in March 2017. Six months later they have a fully working FJC, with already 200 survivors entering the FJC. The FJC is beautifully located between trees - in the woods - and has a warm and empowering atmosphere.
Welcome to our new partners in the FJC-movement!

30th of August 2017: EFJCA supporting the FJC-team of Reykjavik in their workshop about the FJC-work during the Nordic conference on violence against Women (Nordikse Kvinner Mot Vold 2017) in the Grand Hotel in Reykjavik. It was a great workshop with a lot of attention and exchange.

EFJCA visiting Maison des Femmes (Saint-Denis, Paris)

June 29th 2017

On June 29th 2017, the EFJCA visited the Maison des Femmes in Saint-Denis, in Paris. The Maison des Femmes is a strong multidisciplinary center focussing on violence against women and completely working following the principles of the FJC-movement, led by dr Gada Hatem. We are very happy to welcome the Maison de Femmes as new member in the EFJCA and plan to work together closely.

EFJCA at training day FJC Antwerp

June 19th 2017

On June 19th 2017, the EFJCA worked with the team of FJC Antwerp, during their team training day. The focus of the training: safety planning on long term, trauma-informed work with children and restorative work in the relation parent-child.

Opening Family Justice Center Mechelen (Belgium)

23 May 2017

Today the municipality of Mechelen (Belgium) officially opened their Family Justice Center, located in the Social House of Mechelen. A place where different organizations are working on social services for the inhabitants of region of Mechelen. FJC Mechelen is the second FJC in Belgium, besides Antwerp and the ninth in Europe.

FJC in Derry opens new centre

21st of May 2017

FJC in Derry opens new centre to provide special services for children and young people affected by domestic violence

Family Justice Centers Europe at the 18th WAVE Conference

19-21 October 2016

The Family Justice Centers Europe participated in the 18th WAVE Conference that took place on 19-21 October 2016 in Berlin, Germany. The WAVE conference is a large, international gathering of NGOs, policy makers and academics, from across Europe and further afield, that addresses various forms of violence against women.

FJC-presentation at the Foyle Women's Aid 40th Anniversary Seminar

29 September 2016 Derry-Londonderry (Northern Ireland)

Speakers at the Foyle Women’s Aid 40th Anniversary Seminar

Bert Groen, Chairperson of the European Family Justice Centre Alliance Foundation

17th Annual International Family Justice Conference

23 September 2016

The Alliance’s 17th Annual International Family Justice Conference welcomes law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, shelter staff, community-based victim advocates, civil attorneys, judges, therapists, policy makers, elected officials, board members, survivors, parole and probation officers, rape crisis workers, medical personnel, educators, and all others interested in the future of family violence intervention and prevention. The conference will include nationally and internationally recognized subject matter experts, advocates, and survivors.

The Conference on April 4-6, 2017 in Milwaukee (Wisconsin) includes training and interactive peer-to-peer discussions on issues related to the handling of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, strangulation, elder abuse, human trafficking and stalking cases. The theme this year is: “Creating Pathways to HOPE.” The three day conference will focus on trauma-informed practices for professionals in diverse fields, survivors, and other social change professionals.

Charter for Family Justice Center Antwerp

30 June 2016

The Belgium Justice Minister Koen Geens and the Flemish Minister of Welfare Jo Vandeurzen signed a charter for the founding of a Family Justice Center in Antwerp last tuesday.

A professional team of social workers, police- and Justice employees will collaborate and will be fully at the cliënt’s disposal. The motto is: 'One family, one plan'. "In the next years the Flemish region will build social networks of social workers, police- and Justice employees to tackle the problem of domestic violence with an integrated approach”, says Minister Vandeurzen.

The charter responds to Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. This month the Belgium approval law on this came into force.

FJCEU at 3rd World Conference of Women’s Shelters

On request of the Global Network of Women’s Shelters (GNWS), the Dutch Foundation of Women's Shelters and its partners organised the 3rd World Conference of Women’s Shelters from 3-6 November 2015 in The Hague (The Netherlands). One presentation was about Family Justice Centers in Europe.

On Wednesday 4 November Bert Groen (MOVISIE) and Pascale Franck (CO3) spoke about ‘Family Justice Centers in Europe, an Europan multi-agency approach of domestic violence’. Family Justice Centers are multidisciplinary centers where agencies permanent assign staff members in order to provide all services to victims of domestic violence and their families from one location.

The overall goal is to ensure that victims are able to access all the services, support and help they need. Since 2013 in Europe 9 FJC's are developed successfully in N.Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Germany and Poland. They are united in the European Family Justice Center Alliance. This presentation gives more information about the structure/effectiveness of the FJC’s and how victims benefit from this multi-agency approach.

Workshop: Family Justice Centre at 3rd World Conference of Women’s Shelters

Conference Family Justice Centers Europe, 14 January 2015 Brussels

This conference on 14 January 2015 in Brussels was the final part of the project “Family Justice Centers in Europe”.
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Family Justice Centers Europe: Working Together to Address a Worldwide Problem

By Gael Strack, Esq.

I just returned to San Diego, weary but enthused, from Poland where I met with our friends starting Family Justice Centers across Europe. I am inspired by the teams from five countries that are developing Family Justice Centers in six locations. The trip was worth every hour of travel, delayed flights, and forgotten sleep. Once there, you are instantly energized by the moment, the historical significance of the meetings, and always, the people. You immediately realize you are meeting with sisters, brothers, and cousins from around the world who share the same passion and vision of the future.

It was refreshing to see the many men involved in this initiative. Indeed, the initiative is lead by two men: Bert Groen (Movisie) and Anthony Polychronakis (City of Rotterdam) from Holland. In many ways, it is the President’s Family Justice Center Initiative all over again – where 15 communities were selected by the Office on the Violence Against Women to participate in the President’s Family Justice Center Initiative. But now I was in Poland. An international conversation is taking place about the co-location model.

The Family Justice Center Europe initiative is comprised of teams from Holland, Poland, Belguim, Germany and Italy. They are THE top movers, shakers, dreamers, and doers for their countries. They speak different languages but, thankfully for me, use English when together. They have the same tremendous ingenuity, energy, and determination as leadership teams from the US. Some countries have more challenges than others, but you know they will all be successful in developing their own model of co-location within two years or less.
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FJCEU-meeting Warsaw - June 27th