FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Training FJC Aruba, februari 2022

Februari 25, 2022

The EFJCA gave trainings for the staf and partners of the stakeholders of the FJC in Aruba. The training took place from 21 to 25 February 2022.

The trainings focused on:

  1. Dynamics of violence, impact of trauma and how to start a trauma-informed conversation. What does trauma cause on psychological, emotional en physical level and what are the aspects of a trauma-sensitive care?
  2. Sharing best practices around information. Sharing or not being able to share information often determines the quality and speed of collaboration. The requested training is aimed at clarifying what kind of information can and cannot be shared and what steps must be taken to be able to share information. Which legislation applies here?
  3. 'Best practices' around 'free recall'. Rescuers can find themselves in a situation where a victim starts talking about the incident on his own initiative. This may affect the criminal justice process at a later date. What are the best practices in such a situation? How should the care provider act in these situations and what are the do's and don'ts?
  4. Best practices regarding conversations with victims. Social workers regularly talk to victims, sometimes they are victims who have not experienced abuse or maltreatment for the first time. In this requested workshop we would like to discuss best practices regarding interviews with victims, including personal attitude and body language. What are the do's and don'ts when talking to victims?
  5. The ins and outs of the criminal justice process. There is a lot to consider during the process from reporting to prosecution. In this requested workshop we want to 'zoom in' on the criminal justice process, the steps that are taken, what this means for the victim (also on an emotional level) and also what the limitations are of the criminal process.