FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

SafeShelter meeting, Barcelona (Spain)

May 23-24, 2022

The EU funded project (CERV-program), SafeShelter, held a meeting with the project partners in Barcelona. SafeShelter aims to provide capacity building training on developing, implementing and enforcing child safeguarding policies and frameworks for shelter and multisectoral staff working with shelters.

The activities of SafeShelter include: the development of a Child Safeguarding Guide for Shelters to assist shelters in designing high quality policies for their shelter networks, to provide capacity building training for shelter staff in how to provide child safeguarding measures in shelters, the establishing of Child and Mother Advisory Panels to obtain/integrate their feedback and have childrens’ needs met, to evaluate project outputs/impacts and to disseminate best practice examples of Child Safeguarding Policies in shelter networks in all EU Member States via training videos.