FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Webinar Non-Fatal Strangulation (by dr. Cath White)

12 December 2022 (09.30-12.30)

This webinar focuses on one of the most hidden and lethal forms of domestic violence, with very serious consequences for the victims: (non-fatal) strangulation. The webinar is recommended for professionals in learning the basics about the dynamics and impact of non-fatal strangulation, and how to recognize, disclose, question and investigate this form of violence.


Most lethal forms of domestic violence and sexual assault

The role of the different professions (police, justice, help, victim support, medical and health care) is described. Strangulation has been identified as one of the most lethal forms of domestic violence and sexual assault: unconsciousness may occur within seconds and death within minutes.

Strangulation is an ultimate form of power and control where the perpetrator can demonstrate control over the victim’s next breath: it may have devastating psychological effects or a potentially fatal outcome. Strangulation is more common in domestic and sexual violence cases than previously thought.

Content webinar

The content of this webinar is based on case-studies and evidence-based methodology. It offers the professional tools and knowledge to deal with this form of violence and integrate specific attention into their daily work, with the purpose to prevent (further) attempted strangulation, and reduce the impact and revictimization of the victims.If you want some more background information, please click here.

About Dr. Catherine White

Dr. Catherine White is clinical director of the Saint Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) in Manchester (UK). She's an experienced forensic physician and specialises in examination of women, men and children following allegations of rape or sexual assault and takes a local, national and international lead in the development, training and regulation of services for sexual assault victims. She provides trainings on topics likenon-fatal strangulation and forensic medical examination.

Target group

The webinar is aimed at professionals who come in contact and/or work with victims of domestic violence and sexual violence. Main target groups are police officers and social workers at police, prosecutors, judges, criminologists, women’s aid, doctors and nurses, social workers, case managers and therapists at perpetrator programs, policy makers, victim support, social services, mental health sector, ......

Order Webinar

12th Dec. - Webinar Non-Fatal Strangulation : 50 euro
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