FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Conference December 2017

1st of December 2017 - International conference: how to start a Family Justice Center

The conference focused the multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual violence, looking at the work and values of the Family Justice Centers and affiliated multi-agency models. Various perspectives were integrated in the presentations and discussions: women's support, health care, perpetrator programs, child abuse advocacy, justice, police and government. During the sessions different tools, methodologies and trainings were presented as basis for development of multi-disciplinary approach and the model of the European Family Justice Centers. The aim of the conference, to focus on the exchange of knowledge, insight and experiences, and to broaden the network between the various regions and professions involved, was well met.
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2 December 2017 - International Network Meeting: Family Justice Centers & the health sector

The international network meeting focused on the collaboration between and the involvement of the (mental) health sector in the multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual violence. The plenary sessions addressed the role and the engagement of healthcare in the multi-disciplinary approach and the developments in this field in the Family Justice Centers. During the workshops, the participants discussed different topics more into depth. The aim of the network meeting, to engage and further develop collaboration between the Family Justice Center movement and the (mental) health sector, succeeded in ongoing exchange and cooperation between the networks. The meeting brought insight in the needs and possibilities of ongoing collaboration, and lead to concrete steps to meet the expectations.
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Feedback from participants

It was really interesting and inspiring to hear from the different initiatives.

Thank you so much for this perfect organisation, these great topics and inspiring exchanges.

Because La Maison des Femmes is the first center of its kind in France, what most surprised us during the conference was the plurality of actors doing similar work, and the multiplicity of initiatives in Europe innovating in the sector of violence against women. This was a reassuring observation and encouraged us to think of similar ways to involve various actors on the French territory. One of the key messages we took home was on the importance of involving the perpetrator in safety programs, especially directed to domestic violence. This is a novelty for our country, where there are a number of programs directed at victims, but less so for perpetrators. Hearing other participants’ way of proceeding was very enriching for our own experience. It was also interesting to understand the similar challenges we face when dealing with public entities, namely government institutions and other women’s organization. Having the support and being part of the European alliance is a great advantage for us at a political level because it legitimizes our project and gives it international visibility. This will hopefully encourage our public institutions to see the importance of following a European initiative already well implemented in many other countries. The EFJCA can help us by supporting our lobbying efforts to the government. This could take place during the next international meeting, which may be taking place in Paris as you mentioned before. That would be a great opportunity to engage with French senators who work on European matters, and with higher-level government officials. We would also very much like to know if there are European grants we could qualify for that we are not aware of, which were mentioned in discussions on the first day of the workshop. We hope to continue collaborating with other EFJC to learn from each other’s practices and, potentially, plan a visit to some of them.

I want to thank you and your team for the organization of the Conference in Brussels, which have allowed us to know and share very interesting experiences for us.

Thanks for the excellent organization. We have felt very welcome and we have liked to return to Brussels, and to meet again with friends and colleagues. We hope to continue maintaining the contacts between the participants and that this network becoming stronger, sharing our experiences generously.

Just wish to congratulate you with the conference. I only heard positive reactions. A lot of people came together and everything was organized very professionally.

Congratulations with the very successful meeting. We had a good time in Brussels with long and productive days. So particularly thank for being excellent hosts and good company. I have returned with my list of jobs.

It was a fantastic experience, a great meeting and an enriching experience, despite being a pleasure to see you all. Thank you so much to those who made it possible!
I am sure we will continue working together, building up better teams to take care of our society.

Congratulations and thank you for the important conference you organized. I'm very glad to have been able to participate from the distance for a while. Looking forward for further conferences and collaborations!

I would like to thank you for organizing the workshop in Bruxelles. You managed to provide wonderful hospitality, an important scientific event and a warm collegian atmosphere at the same time. Not to speak of bubbling enthusiasm and a magnificent backdrop that your interesting city provided. Thank you again and sincere congratulations!

The conference was professionally organised and very, very helpful and informative in several ways. I have already had a few meetings with experts and stakeholders concerning introducing the concept of FJC in/to Slovenia. Family violence has many aspects. The only possible answer to it is multidisciplinary and addresses the whole family.

It was a great experience to have participated in this meeting. It was a pleasure to get to know you better and as I also learned a lot, so thank you so much for giving this opportunity.

The meetings were excellent. I also thank all participants.

Congratulations for this excellent Family Justice Center Initiative, which is becoming a new model of care. This was an excellent event and thank you very much for the warm welcome and the opportunity to navigate into this new knowledge. I will be happy to involve in upcoming events

I am currently coordinating a project that aims to study the feasibility to set up a FJC on our territory in Belgium. The project just began and I would like to know more about the model and the conditions to be a FJC. I bought the book "one safe place for hope and empowerment" (which is very useful for me) and read some documents about the FJC.

Was really impressed and want to congratulate once again for all your realizations. That conference was a clear proof of the road that had already been taken. And it was especially nice to see that Belgium is one of the leaders in the rollout of the concept.

It is helpful for women to arrange all support in one place. It prevents a waste of time in re-arranging their lives after leaving their home (because of domestic violence).
Spreading the ideas. Offering the political contacts, building relations to develop new possibilities. Attention in the Dutch politics are necessary because the local governments are getting more control and they need to see further then their own boundaries, I think.