FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Conference 1 December 2017: speeches and PowerPoints

The conference addressed a wide audience in the European context and is supported by the Belgian federal government in the context of the implementation of the Istanbul Convention. The conference focused the multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual violence, looking at the work and values of the Family Justice Centers and affiliated multi-agency models. Various perspectives were integrated in the presentations and discussions: women's support, health care, perpetrator programs, child abuse advocacy, justice, police and government.

During the sessions different tools, methodologies and trainings were presented as basis for development of multi-disciplinary approach and the model of the European Family Justice Centers. The aim of the conference, to focus on the exchange of knowledge, insight and experiences, and to broaden the network between the various regions and professions involved, was well met.

Participants: The participants at the conference came from a wide range of organisations and regions: 108 persons from 19 EU-countries participated at the conference-day of 1 December 2017, working in the field of Family Justice Centers and multi-agency centers of domestic violence and child abuse, European commission, national and local policy, women’s aid, victim services, perpetrator programs, police, justice, health sector, mental healthcare, child advocacy, youth care, training centers, universities and research centers.

Speeches and PowerPoints presented at the conference: (click on the link for the PowerPoints)

After a warm welcome by Pascale Franck (day chairwoman, co-director FJC Antwerp, vice-president European Family Justice Center Alliance) and an introduction and the work of the FJC and multi-agency approach of domestic violence in Belgium by Niki D’Heedene (advisor Zuhal Demir, State-Secretary for Equal Opportunities Belgium) there were two speeches:


  • Domestic violence in the European policy by Karen Vandekerckhove, Head of Unit "Gender Equality", Directorate-General of Justice and Consumers, European Commission
    (Powerpoint Karen Vandekerckhove)
  • The European Family Justice Center Alliance and the benefits of an integrated multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence in Europe by Bert Groen, president European Family Justice Center Alliance, including the movie “FJC’s in Europe”
    (Powerpoint Bert Groen)


Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3