Conference 2 December 2017: speeches and PowerPoints
The international network meeting, organised by the EFJCA, the Europrev Working Group Mental Health and Family Violence and the WONCA Special Interest Group on Family Violence, with support of the Province of Antwerp, focused on the collaboration between and the involvement of the (mental) health sector in the multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual violence.
The plenary sessions addressed the role and the engagement of healthcare in the multi-disciplinary approach and the developments in this field in the Family Justice Centers. During the workshops, the participants discussed different topics more into depth.
The aim of the network meeting, to engage and further develop collaboration between the Family Justice Center movement and the (mental) health sector, succeeded in ongoing exchange and cooperation between the networks. The meeting brought insight in the needs and possibilities of ongoing collaboration, and lead to concrete steps to meet the expectations.
Participants: The network meeting was attended by 48 participants from 19 countries.
Speeches and PowerPoints presented at the conference (click on the link for the PowerPoints):
1. Summary of the conference of the 1st of December by Pascale Franck and Bert Groen
2. Engaging health care in the multi-agency approach of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual violence: introduction to the topics for discussion by Leo Pas
1. Assessing risks from different professional perspectives
2. Sharing information: pitfalls and solutions
3. Inter-sectoral cooperation and (mental) health care
- Powerpoint Pascale Franck, co-director FJC Antwerp and vice-president European Family Justice Center Alliance
- Powerpoint Professor Joyce Kenkre, University of South Wales