FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

European Alliance
for Hope and

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

4, 5 and 6 September 2024 (Milan, Italy)

6th international EFJCA Conference

The EFJCA, the FJC Milan, and the Fondazione IRCCS – Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico are very pleased to invite you to the 6th international EFJCA conference. The main topic of the conference is the collaboration of the health sector in the multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence. During the 3 days we will explore good practices, joint-ventures and vision for the future.

Distinguished speakers, both from the medical sector and the multidisciplinary cen- ters, will share their knowledge and experience. Also, we will look into specific topics: sexual violence, violence during pregnancy, trauma-care, non-fatal-strangulation,… On the 3th day we will focus on the intersection of violence and migration.

Conference Brochure

10 year European Family Justice Center Alliance anniversary

We are very happy to announce our celebration of 10 years EFJCA. Together with colleagues and friends we want to share our joy of working together so many years (and much more to come).

Target Group

The international conference is aimed at a wide audience – on local, national and international level – of professionals who work on gender-based violence, domestic/sexual violence and child abuse, from the police, the judiciary, women’s aid, victim support, social services, youth care, child advocacy, the medical sector, mental health sector, restorative justice, perpetrator programs, academic sector, universities and research, training centers, authorities, EC mandates.

During this conference we also explicit invite professionals from the health sector to join us in this journey towards multidisciplinary
approach and working together to tackle gender-based violence and domestic violence.

Practical information

Participation in person and online is possible. (Day 1 and Day 2 will be streamed, Day 3 will be recorded and shared afterwards.)

Language: English and subtitling (Italian-English and English-Italian)

Accreditation: accreditation for Italy is asked

Registration fee: conference € 175 – anniversary party € 35 euro

If you participate live: The second full day of the conference, Thursday September 6th, will take place at the Grand Hotel Villa Torretta Milan Sesto located in the north of Milan at Via Milanese 3, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni. You can find this hotel on the regular hotel booking sites. If you need a hotel accommodation, we recommend you book your hotel in time by using the regular hotel booking sites. Close to the venue of the conference hotel are the Starhotel Tourist and the BB Hotels Smarthotel Re Milano Nord.

If you participate online: In case you have registered for online participation you will receive the links a couple of days before the start of the conference in the email you used for this registration.