FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

What is the added value of a EFJCA membership?

EFJCA members are part of a European and even worldwide network and brand, making the local centers stronger, more visible and providing status, on a local, national and international level. The EFJCA works in line with the FJC guiding principles and ethical principles and EU core values bases on Article 2 of the Treaty on the European Union and Article 21 of the EU-charter of Fundamental Rights and subscribes the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention).

The Alliance provides a lot of added value for their members through a range of activities, products and benefits. There are 3 kinds of membership:

Privileged Membership

The yearly fee for this membership is € 300,00 EUR and offers besides the regular membership benefits an added range of benefits:

  • Free participation in the annual EFJCA conference (including financial support for travel and accommodation in accordance with EFJCA guidelines and EU standards in accordance with the EU funding)
  • Free access to the EFJCA-exchange meetings
  • Price reduction on trainings provided by the EFJCA
  • Price reduction on books & publications provided by the EFJCA
  • Active involvement in European FJC developments
  • Interaction with the EFJCA network
  • Free access to EFJCA webinars
  • Possibility to apply for regranting project if the EFJCA is recognized for regranting by the EC

Registration for privileged member and payment can be done here for individuals and organisations.

Regular membership

This membership does not include a fee and gives members the following benefits:

A platform for the dissemination of information and the exchange of good practices, knowledge and experiences, for example through:

  • A comprehensive website: www.efjca.eu
  • An annual European conference
  • Regular (inter)national meetings
  • Trainings (including webinars) and instruments on a range of methodologies and on other topics of interest for the FJCs, related multidisciplinary models and high-quality multidisciplinary cooperation

Support, for example in:

  • ‘How to start an FJC’, including a manual and a buddy system
  • Processes of fundraising, applying for proposals on a national or international level
  • Tackling challenges and making/taking opportunities to build out high-quality multi-agency work

Follow-up for all FJCs in Europe, existing and new ones

Registration for regular membership can be done here for individuals and organisations.

Affiliated membership

For Family Justice Centers and related multidisciplinary centers there’s the possibility to apply for the status of affiliated membership. More information about how to become an affiliated center and the process can be find here.

An EFJCA member will ensure that there are no activities or policies in conflict with the EU core values as laid down in Art. 2 of the Treaty on European Union and the EC charter of fundamental rights.

Membership form

Applying for a membership can be done through our Membership forms or by e-mail. For more information regarding the membership, you can contact the EFJCA by e-mail or phone (+ 31 (0)6 212 92 799).