Conference Family Justice Centers in Europe
This conference on 14 January 2015 in Brussels is the final part of the project “Family Justice Centers in Europe”. The project started in January 2013 and ends at January 15th 2015. The conference will focus on the main results of this project and the future for Family Justice Centers in Europe.
Conference room JDE 51 of the Committee of the Regions
Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101
B - 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België
Opening by Mr. Michel Lebrun, President of the Committee of the Regions
Family Justice Centers movie
- Mr. Bert Groen, project manager EU Daphne Project ‘Family Justice Centers in Europe’. MOVISIE, Netherlands Centre for Social Development
- Mrs. Emilie Jarrett, European Commission, DG JUSTICE, Unit D2 – Gender equality
- Mrs. Gael Strack, founder Family Justice Center San Diego and CEO National Family Justice Center Alliance U.S.
The Alliance provides training, planning, consulting and technical assistance to Family Justice Centers and family violence professionals throughout the world - Mr. Jean-Max Trouillet, President of Elisan Steering Committee and General Director Social Services CCAS of Marseille
- Mrs. Rebecca Lovelace, Executive Director FACES Family Justice Center, Ada County U.S.
FACES provide victims of child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence one place where they can find easy access to a wide scope of services in a safe, confidential, responsive and supportive environment
A victim shares her experiences with the services of the Family Justice Center
Presentations by the European project partners:
- Mr. Davy Simons, FJC Antwerp (province), Belgium
- Mr. Matthieu Goedhart, FJC Venlo, The Netherlands
- Mrs. Patricia Schneider, FJC Berlin, Germany
- Mrs. Gerrianne Rozema, FJC Tilburg, The Netherlands
- Mr. Michele Rabaiotti, FJC Milan, Italy
- Mrs. Urszula Nowakowska, FJC Warsaw, Poland
- Mrs. Marie Brown, FJC N. Ireland
Mrs. Julia Girardi and Mrs. Julia Hertlein, project researchers
Presentation of results project evaluation FJC project
Anthony Polychronakis
The future of Family Justice Centers in Europe, the European Family Justice Center Alliance (EFJCA)
Time for questions
Highlights, recommendations and closing by Mr. Bert Groen
Family Justice Centers Europe (in English)
Nederlandse film over de multidisciplinaire initiatieven Huiselijk Geweld, Kindermishandeling en Seksueel Geweld (in Dutch)