FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

Privileged Membership

Our vision is that survivors/victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence should be provided with specialist support and legal protection. The EFJCA works in line with the FJC guiding principles and ethical principles and EU core values bases on Article 2 of the Treaty on the European Union and Article 21 of the EU-charter of Fundamental Rights and subscribes the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention). The EFJCA aspires also to create a Europe free from gender-based violence and domestic violence.

As EFJCA we believe in a very strong cooperation between European organisations and networks that focus on the approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence. Working together and mutual sharing of knowledge, experiences and good practices makes organisations and networks stronger and most important, survivors will be benefit from this cooperation.

The contribution for privileged membership is 300 Euro/yearly and offers a range of benefits:

  • Free participation in the annual EFJCA conference (including financial support for travel and accommodation in accordance with EFJCA guidelines and EU standards in accordance with the EU funding)
  • Free access to the EFJCA-exchange meetings
  • Price reduction on trainings provided by the EFJCA
  • Price reduction on books & publications provided by the EFJCA
  • Active involvement in European FJC developments
  • Interaction with the EFJCA network
  • Free access to EFJCA webinars
  • Possibility to apply for regranting project if the EFJCA recognized for regranting by the EC

An EFJCA member will ensure that there are no activities or policies in conflict with the EU core values as laid down in Art. 2 of the Treaty on European Union and the EU charter of fundamental rights.

Registration for privileged member and payment can be done here for individuals and organisations.