FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers


Gloria - New Family Justice multidisciplinary Center

Organisation/Third party
Community Safety and Mediation Center Foundation

Grant amount
17.600,00 EUR



Title of the project
Gloria - New Family Justice multidisciplinary Center

Project duration
8 months

Target groups

  • 50 women and children’s victims of domestic and gender based violence involved and empowered -(60% rural cases, 40% urban cases) from Iasi municipality and communes in Iasi and Vaslui counties.
  • 80 professionals from medical, educational, police, mobile teams trained in case referral, specific FJC work, Non-Fatal Strangulation and ‘Intimate Terror and Coercive Control.
  • CMSC team (8 persons) working on case management and therapy and juridical counselling trained in how to work in a FJC center.

Project summary

  • CMSC want to develop a new FJC multidisciplinary center in Miroslava village, Iasi county Romania
  • CMSC want to continue on capacity building activities of the team and work on sustainability: design of a process by which long term strategy both policy-wise, organizationally, financially as well as the development of the services, are to be worked through.
  • CMSC will continue the programs for involving and empowering victims/survivors and organizing weekly peer-group-support.
  • CMSC want to organize monthly stakeholder-meetings and setting up the process towards multidisciplinary approach for starting center.
  • CMSC will organize on-the-floor 4 training sessions in specialized multidisciplinary services for starting FJC center
  • -CMSC will organize 4 awareness raising and training sessions on Non-Fatal Strangulation and ‘Intimate Terror and Coercive Control

Summary for publication: The project aimed to facilitate the access of victims of abuse and domestic and gender violence from the rural and small urban areas of Iași, Vaslui, Bacău and Neamț counties to quality integrated services in order to get out of the crisis situation and improve the quality of life with positive effects in the direction of preventing and reducing the phenomenon of domestic violence.‍

Project activities

  • Development of the new Gloria Family Justice Center
  • Capacity building of the staff involved in FJC
  • Training of the professionals on multidisciplinary services for starting FJC center
  • Training sessions on Non-Fatal Strangulation and ‘Intimate Terror and Coercive Control
  • Forums with stakeholders
  • Gloria services for victims/survivors and peer support groups
  • Data collection and procedures recommendations

Qualitative results

  • New standards of services, training and multidisciplinary work for applicant
  • One strategy elaborated
  • Professionals from Iasi and Vaslui counties trained
  • Stakeholders from Iasi involve
  • Women and children empowered

Quantitative results

  • 8 staff from team trained in new standards FJC.
  • Training sessions with profesionals from medical, educational, social, police, mobile teams from Iasi and Vaslui counties on Non-Fatal Strangulation and ‘Intimate Terror and Coercive Control - 2 training sessions, 40 people trained
  • Training sessions with profesionals from medical, educational, social, police, mobile teams from Iasi and Vaslui counties on Non-Fatal Strangulation and ‘Intimate Terror and Coercive Control - 3 training sessions, 60 people trained
  • Forums with stakeholders on referal, case management of Gloria Family Justice center cases - stakeholders from Iasi involved; 15-20 regular stakeholders participating at every forum; 4 forums organised (one every 6 weeks)
  • Women and children empowered; 50 cases of women and children of victims/survivors assisted using new standards ;50 plans of case management;
  • Peer group support - women and children empowered; 14 peer support groups organised